Please forgive us, Latvia

Please forgive us, Latvia.

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this is genocide

Now I'm hungry. I am not irish though.

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>not just turning it all into vodka and getting fucking hammered

Get your shit together burgerstan

haha imagine if someone turned all those potatoes into french fries and i ate them all as a joke haha wouldn't that be funny

Don't farmers get paid for their excess yield by the government anyways? It's a shitty crony industry.

Ireland will throw a shit fit at the UN.

Thats nice. Free potatoes for all the locals :D

RIP in peace freedom fries

My dislike for capitalism is great

>americans be like "uuh, these potatoes too spicy! need some HFCS asap!"

apology for bad english

where were u wen potato die

i was at house drinking milk when phone ring

"potato is kill"


That's worse than the holocaust.

i love potato mash alot


That's free potatoes for the locals but I bet they'll be left to rot because they aren't already cut and fried

That's capitalism my friend, you mass produce it then you discover that the market is already full and you end up losing money.

Potatoes already only cost like $2 for a 5lb bag.

Most americans probably don't know how to peel a potatoe.

Why not just donate those potatoes?

Menwhile those farmers dont care as their sorry asses are covered by subsidies

>too many potatoe

>no botato


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that's communism

>not turning it into electric power

>hungry with no potatoe

>overweight AND hungry with too many potatoe

You can get it if you want I think, but you would need to get there and bring the potatoes home. They abandon it because no one is going to waste money on transport when you're not going to sell it

You know you can make moonshine out of this, right?

What a shame. You could make delicious patata l-forn with that.

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hehehe we should just let the state decide the supply surely that would never fail

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imagine the ammount of tortilla with potatoes that could be done with them

>crying over potatoes