I fucking hate elves

I fucking hate elves

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i love elves

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Die faggot
Elves belong in the dirt

I love watching hentai of cute nordic elf girls getting brutally raped by
mediterranean orges.

Dude, leave this to Yas Forums

I'm a Drow man


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Does anyone know how to write in Elvis


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kys you inferior moid


"""Elves""" in TES really have nothing to do with elves from actual mythology. Someone just called them "elves" and thats it.

Her hair is soft and her eyes are oh so blue, shes all the things a girls should be but shes not you.

Elves is ACTUAL mythology are my ancestors :) but unironically

It's called Quenya faggot.

script is called tengwar or cirth

>Elves were Swedes all along

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yea but TES """elves""" have nothing "elven" except that the creators slapped the word "elves" on them and thats where the similarities end.

Mithrandir! ettul már

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i raise my glass to you, mellon-nin

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In Irish mythology Elves were a supernatural race. Irish pagan Gods are also that race

Well kinda, they have the alfr, the pure elves (High elves) and svartalfr (dark elves) and some believe the dwarves in norse mythology to be dark elves too and they were cruel but good craftsmen. (Dwemer)

Then worship me, human!

ok you fucking stepp elf

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This chink comes and tells you
"ayyy Im a pure elf come and look at my stone tower"
what do you do?

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Thats because irish mythology is white mythology so elves or elf-like beings are a given.

Rape him.

Ask to marry his daughter so I can plow some elven ass

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""""elven"""" ass
burn the rice pay the price

>are a given
that sounded like its a bad thing didnt it? I meant its an integral part (and thats a good thing).

>play morrowind
>be in elf land
>everyone is black
i guess nothing is truly scandinavian...

All rice fields needs its white seeds