Japan is a sexually modern country...

Japan is a sexually modern country. Many Japanese girls have sex for their own enjoyment and many Japanese girls are not treating sex as a big deal.

I think that the more that girls treat sex as not a big deal, the more painful it is for people who cannot have sex. For example, I am 26 and virgin.

It is even worse being Japanese because I saw loser gaijin anime fans who have been able to date Japanese girl, yet I am less ugly than such people and have never had girlfriend.

Is there any country that would find a Japanese man to be attractive? I don't think.

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Japanese women worship Japanese men

>Is there any country that would find a Japanese man to be attractive? I don't think.
Sorry but you are right.

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iktf bro

>Is there any country that would find a Japanese man to be attractive? I don't think.
Philipines maybe


I think Philippines prefer white/brown or anything non Asian

It could be worse Satoshi-san. Girls here keep saying I'm handsome all the time, but nothing ever happens. 27yo, though I've had sex before once, but got cucked later. The country I origin from has highest sexual partner statistics and yet here I am.

I am coming to Japan to impregnate all your women.

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>Many Japanese girls have sex for their own enjoyment and many Japanese girls are not treating sex as a big deal.
well, whores exist in every country so why go for whores instead of normal girls?

Weeb females in western countries fetishy japanese men just like male weebs fetishy japanese women.
So look them up. Or just fuck a prostitute for a confidence boost

You have to be proud of your women being able to have a sexual freedom. It's not an easy feat for a country to have.

I plan on moving to Japan soon, even though they have problems as well, the degenerate west is finished and will not survive the coming few years.

Living in opposition to God will only result in suffering in this life and the next.

getting laid in japan is the easiest thing ever
t. gaijin sexpat pro

There is no other life

Where fuk jap girl?

I used to work in a place with many japanese girls aged 25/35, many of them would prefer to date non japanese guys because they're considered "boring" but mind you this was in Europe so they were obviously biased.

Japanese women are ugly and with shitty bodies, pvt. Gonzalez

So you, as a based mutt, will come to Japan to make sure that Japan will not survive the coming few years too?

Canadian girls like asians.

Biggest trick I think with women here is just be kind of rugged and traditional. Sikh guys that wear turban and kirpan seem to do better than those that don't, Frenchies into the whole homme du bois style get tons of pussy, Natives with long hair and trad tats are hella sexy, I'm a white Midwestern dude and every time I put on a cowboy hat I turn into a chick magnet.

Japan has many amazing traditions and very masculine men and codes of behavior. Use that to flex on the mass of nike strutting globohomos. Too many people try to just copy African Americans from American TV and they always fall short because at the end of the day they're just a lame imitator trying to copy someone else's style.

Get a sharp n modern kimono, grow your hair out, be a cool mother fucker and try not to give a fuck too much. Woman are gonna flock to you. What's better is that no other person is going to do it better than you. Trying to be like an American TV star isn't ever going to get you anywhere because the moment some black or white dude throws on a sports jersey he'll mog you to hell and back. Play your strengths and stand out from the pack on your own merits.

Also read Histoire de ma Vie by Casanova. Europeans back then knew how to fuck, and he will teach you exactly how to pick up chicks. Also you might enjoy reading about the life of Gabrielle D'Annunzio. He was a scrawny bald 5ft Italian guy with ugly teeth but managed to found an entire city state and infect half the women in said city with syphilis through sheer charm and force of will. There's a Japanese author, Harukichi Shimoi, who was friends with him and wrote about his experiences at the time, you might enjoy reading his book (although I cannot say for sure since I don't read Japanese).

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>how do I get laid?
>duh, wear a kimono around

Best canadian post I have ever seen

just find any high school girl secretly a millionaire lmao

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I can’t even imagine Japanese women lusting after Japanese men, let alone any Asian men. They must be very sex starved to go after that, if I was a Japanese woman I’d save all my money to go to america and just stay there fucking American guys forever

Does girl like this still exists in modern Japan?
I think my love rekindled

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and this is bad

Normal people prefer normal people (normal size).

Do Japs like Finland?

Most don't even know where Finland is. Usually people do know moomin, but not their origin.

Japanese is the most attractive asian race.
The worst is indian.

My friend, you just need to start working out and gain some self respect. There is a girl waiting for your future self.
Exercise and healthy foods will literally change your brain chemistry and make you feel better -- it's not just pseudo-science, it's real. Good luck friend, work hard.

Consider suicide Takeshi

I really like brown jungle asian girls for whatever reason.

OP is a bitter Davido. Jap women prefer Jap men