they seems more like friends
Gross. There's a guy like that in my town, I pity him. But he could find a white girl if he wanted to, being a skinny dweeb isn't a good excuse to be a racemixing degenerate.
Nobody cares about white women, euro men get european women, not wh*te.
Is there anything more autistic than people discussing race and dating? Seriously, I have never not seen a discussion about it that doesn't produce astronomical amounts of butthurt and insecurity.
You just know how much of a bull this man is IRL
He sounds jealous
>Go to hipster district of London
>Loads of men like thst with ok looking gfs mostly white but some Asian and black women too
Yas Forums envys soyboys
Imagine being so ugly that even women from your own race reject you kek
>tfw no thicc black glasses gf
Is that so, user? Well... you can just think what you want buddy.
... I know this guy. What the fuck.
She looks like something I'd flush down the toilet
fucking RUDE asshole be nice
Yes but why settle for a 1/10 white girl when you can bank a 3/10 negress and satisfy whatever fetish or political ideal you subscribe to
>bully them
>wonder why they pollute the gene pool with blacks
>you should date only people of your own race because i (a noname internet jealous useless to society anime nazi pedophile 40 kg warrior of the "White Race") don't appreciate it
I'm being nice
A 1/10 white girl can give you kids that resemble you at least somewhat and people and family members won't laugh at you behind your back.
>nooooo you can't just have fulfilling sexual and romantic relationships with people based on mutual compatibility, you need to too autistically sort everyone into vague categories that sort of coincide with their continent of origin with arbitrary exceptions like if their homeland was ever a part of the roman empire they are white unless they speak spanish then distill them into some sort of abominable 'mass man' generalization representing what their idealized form is based on my own misconceptions from mindless pop culture and then rank them into a hierarchy of best to wooooooorst
Idk man all white people with soi beards look alike to me
>nooo you cant get a brown qveen y-you fucking cuck t. europoor incel
why are they like this? this is why their race is dying
brown fetishists on Yas Forums BLOWN THE FUCK OUT LMAOOO
>. But he could find a white girl if he wanted to, being a skinny dweeb isn't a good excuse to be a racemixing degenerate.
Nah, but white women being overweight, obnoxious aborting progressive feminists with mental issues surely is. Just came out of a relationship with one, what an absolute shitshow.
i know ur working for the cia...
They're cute.
who's his gf
>imagine wanting to pass on your genes with a complexion like that
At least take what little fortune you have. From a completely individual perspective, it doesn't make sense
There are others. No excuse to get some African mail order bride like a 70yo virgin.
I don't understand what you're saying.
Considering how triggered Yas Forums gets with WMAF relations pic attached seems pretty accurate.
Is there anything more soy than to dat a 'black kween' to show the world how not racist you are?lmao
t. jamal afraid I'm going to fuck his sister
Extremely few and far between according to my experience.
White male with azn girls are the biggest pussies on this planet, it's not even close.
My sister is white like me, and she has a bunch of white kids. Weird post.
>That banter
They're equally cringy.
Why would you want to anchor yourself down with some ugly children and an ugly wife who probably won't like you when you can find someone that looks better in your opinion and makes you happy in whatever way (even politically or sexually)? It's not logical from an individual perspective to do this
>how not racist you are
wrong wh*teboi, i am very racist towards you cumskins
Some Asian ethnicities are toptier in terms of looks and upbringing and you are just spilling self-serving roastie propaganda. Go date a sheboon or something.
Are you a Jean or Joanne?
I'd like to raise a child. But I don't want to be married to a woman. Is there any way to do that?
Spending all your free time online makes you mentally ill
If you see these two people and immediately start thinking of weird racial sexual analysis, a self lobotomy is likely your best option
It's not even a matter of "ugly" or not, I don't black women as human. I don't care how you rate a black woman, for me they're fauna and I'm not a furry.
probably get soy'd for this:
but cant people have significant others without being all part of a nexus of racial-incel powerplay?
what if theyre both just really into jazz music and baking and they struck up a romance at university?