Do you think in English Yas Forums?

Do you think in English Yas Forums?

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>No, I think in my head.

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I don't think

I think with my penis

I prefer to think in the Rosetta Stone Language of Filipino.

In Church I think in Latin.
In Business, Chinese.
With other Spics, Spanish.
In ordinary life, Tagalog and Illongo.

Attached: FilipinoOREnglish.png (1600x1500, 310.9K)

hecho para café

>nahuatl: 10%

Nahuas traveled to the Philippines when the Spanish Empire was around

His country is a mexican colony

Yes :D

That may be true. We were under the Mexico-based Viceroyalty of New Spain.

But we liberated you from your Spanish opressors too.

Isidoro Montes de Oca (1789–1847) was a Mexican of Spanish Filipino descent who was a revolutionary general who fought in the Mexican War of Independence between 1810 and 1821. He was among the commanders of the army of Vicente Guerrero and José María Morelos. And was a trusted man of Vicente Guerrero and was his sub-General.

He stood out for his courage in the siege of the Port of Acapulco in 1813, under the orders of General José María Morelos y Pavón. As well as in the Cuautla Site. He was present in the historical deed called Acatempan's embrace, between Agustín de Iturbide and Vicente Guerrero. Near the end of the war he reached the rank of captain general.

According to Ricardo Pinzon, two Filipino soldiers—Francisco Mongoy and Isidoro Montes de Oca—were so distinguished in battle that they are regarded as folk heroes in Mexico. General Vicente Guerrero later became the first president of Mexico of African decent.

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List is incomplete but there are lots of Nauhatl words in Filipino.

Filipino uses more Native American words than American English. The word for Corn in American English, Corn is Germanic in origin, whereas Corn in Filipino is Maize, Nauhatl in origin. The word for Wallet in American English is French in Origin whereas the word for Wallet in Filipino, Pitaka is Nauhatl Aztec in origin from, Petlacalli.

That's why I prefer thinking in Filipino, there's vocab from 4 language familes. With English only from Germanic, Latin and French sources, all belonging to just one language family, Indo-European.

nope, i don't have an inner voice.


More than I do in my native. I think it's a curse

I occasionally think in English. I'd say my thoughts are divided by 80% in Portuguese and 20% in English.

No I don't think using language it's just a construct you use to share your thoughts with others

I think in our own language.

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look at this jew, no inner monologue

based yahudi

cringe med.

ye like 50% of the time

Why don’t you move to an anglophone country?

I will

I truly learned the language when I started thinking in English.

Why would you need words to capture your thoughts and sensations


>built for BBC

Gay lefty Bavaryan here.

I will not allow racism* or antisemitism on Yas Forums, and I will report EVERY racist* or antisemitic post, thank you.

(*unless it's leveled against muslims and/or gypsies)

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I don't know

75% english 20% russian 5% japanese

based Gay lefty Bavaryan

Yes. It is a superior language