What's wrong with him?

What's wrong with him?

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he's the joker

Explain why it wouldn't work

It is easy to be a critic

fake news

>inject light

Americans can't afford bread so he's taking it upon himself to at least provide them circus.

He's old. There's perfectly sane people who turn nutty once they hit 70s. Like on the dot 70.

You’re right. No reason why it wouldn’t. Go inject bleach into your bloodstream you’ll be fine.


It would be a solution to all of our problems.

holy shit it's true

I see hardly so much difference to regular american here

He says outrageous things to get the media to shit on him so he can later on trash the media for painting him in a negative light, talking down the media is one of the main reasons why he won the election and is going to win again because his strategies are so effective. It's all a part of his master plan, the dude is an unironic genius and people are too stupid to see how he's managed to break every single rule in politics.

such 4d chess
so wow

germanic/british genes

How do we get Americans to consume bleach like how those retards kys themselves with fish medicine?

How do we get Americans to stand in front of a gamma ray radiating source so they can "cleanse" their body of the coronavirus?

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he's not gonna be re-elected dont him?

He's just a rat-catcher. But then again, I would probably also vote for Trump if my only other choice would be Hillary Clinton/Joes Biden or Mehrkill

What about 'ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy'?
In Soviet Union this method has been successfully used to treat infectious diseases.

Didn't believe it.
Watched the video of the press conference.
He really said it.

Clear cut case of senility.

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wtf i love the sun now

In the US, you can do whatever and get elected. It's a popularity contest. Trump knows this. Any publicity is good publicity. After hearing about how his pressers on the coronavirus are the most watched thing, the morning after, he put up campaign ads at the White House. Literally videos of YouTube clips saying how well of a job he'd done.

Wasn't it in "Underworld" that they shot at vampires with bullets filled with a self glowing liquid that was supposed to shine UV light?
THAT would be something for the Americans. Simply shoot at corona patients.

incumbent presidents typically lose re-election if an economic downturn happens in their first term, but you never know

It's not even summer yet, he could still start a war or two.

more like Bane

i don't want to fight for israel and gay sex

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How big is the chance that one of those two fucks Biden/Trump die before the election in september? What would they do?

Why don't the US just invent a shrinkray so they can shrink the US army so they can enter your bloodstream and fight the virus with their guns?

There's a very good chance something will kick off in Iran. Also if Kim really is dead then North Korea will get spicy very quickly.


He's senile.

And how would that work? Drain all your blood, radiate the virus, then put your blood back in?

They already have this with ECMO machines. In fact, if it was so easy to just drain and radiate, why not drain you of all your dirty blood and then give you a full transfusion of healthy blood? Because the virus exists in your tissue or something like that.

He's a businessman who comes with great innovations. And as we've learned in practice time and time again from our manager upper class, ideas are always great if the people who promote them look professional and confident.

how strong is Biden? to me he looks like an old senile dementia guy prime elderly centre material, he looks gone, Trump might act like a madman but he still got it

No you wouldn't, but you can't explain why. You are not a Doctor of Medicine, you are just a stupid failure underachiever, who can only feel intellectual superiority towards actual retards.

I'm pretty sure half of the Dems with Biden get Corona so they could bring in Cuomo.

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>haha he doesn't know the details of it and just uses basic common sense what an idiot

This guy is based. If you have time to protest for 8 hours, you have 8 hours to spend doing manual labour.

In fact, the US should import SEA monkeys to do manual labour, like how the US is importing gypsies to do their work. Broke people in the SEA region are already starving to death or killing themselves because they can't work and can't feed themselves.

He get a lot of international coverage due to cv and tussling with Trump , i like him in all honesty he looks exactly like my dad he's a paesano too