Would you date a black girl?

Would you date a black girl?

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the first pornstar I had a crush on was Ana Foxx and I vigourously fapped to her in my teenage years. YEARS.

No, I don't like them.

I want a cute, chubby, white English gf.


ive been dreaming of that for years. but they are rare here in rural spain

Whats rural spain like?

Yes but she has to be sweet christian girl.

>moriah mills
>lacey duvalle

thats a yes from me

boring, nothing to do, like most rural places
everyone knows each other and people that i dont know recognize me on the street as "the son of so and so" wich i hate

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Never ever.

I need a black gf

I would if they looked like the ones on the internet but irl they look disgusting

t. been to Melbourne

I would date a black man :)

i mean if she looks like that

As long as I find the girl attractive I'd date any ethnicity

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>I want a cute, chubby, white English gf

everything wrong with israel

yes i would date an ebony queen

Chav women kinda turn me on. But they're racist as fuck tho.

I can't find any non-white attractive

They rarely have attractive faces irl. The ones that do drive me wild however.

Wouldn't say no


id let one fuck me with a dildo

Somali and Ethiopian girls can be very cute looking. But they don't look "African" other than from dark skin and curly hair. A foreign exchange student from Ethiopia at my uni joked about how often she got approached by guys.

If I'm attracted to her. Then yes.

Consider asking

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Take your incel bait somewhere else

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Good for you

how much?

shut up shahar


Euro ones are hot. New world ones are hamplanets.