Memento mori edish
Blessing this thread.
is this manga about a guy adopting a cat, going mental and wanting to fuck it?
No, it's about paying renbts.
oh, I mixed it with Spice and Wolf
Spice and Wolf is something completely different as well though.
spice and wolf is about medieval economy
I might have taken the wrong conclusion, but the guy does adopt a naked cat and fucks it later. There are some parts about economy aswell, but only in a few chapters.
Dude... spice and WOLF. Wolves are not cats, not even felines
but it looks like a cat
She have a fox-like tail
so it's not a wolf after all?
>2 dl of bearmace and a 'nife
wish me luck
A wolf is a canidae like a fox and foxes can be considered wolves
No they can't
iPhone SE costs 449 $ for 128gb version but 529€ in Slovakia wtf? It would be cheaper to import it from USA. Anyone knows good websites for that?
Why the fuck would you buy the SE? You can Samsung S10e for the same price. Hell even the Pixel 3a is much better.
Me with my cat
It's the new SE
I know, it's utter trash.
It has better CPU than most expensive Android
No, no it doesn't. The A13 in it is severely underclocked.
Knowing Apple it probably also has a worse screen than the cheapest Android
Tired of PiSs and their moronic laws. Really fucking tired of them.
>noooo you can‘t go shopping on sunday because we said so!! *soyrus face*
>nooo you have to vote in may, despite corona, otherwise we won‘t be able to win!! *infects thousands of additional people*
>noooo it‘s okay that we turned state TV into our propaganda tube! Who cares that every single citizen finances it with their taxes! Who cares about accurate informing! Shut up! Shut up!
When I was 18 I thought they were based, but they‘re just stupid, annoying boomers.
Not a fan.
>iPajeet reality distortion field
Lagdroids start lagging after 2 or 3 months max, even the overpriced ones.
I have Samsung Galaxy S7 edge before that I had Note 3. Performance goes to shit after year or so. And I don't use anything of features it provides for it to be worth. I use messenger and watch videos on my phone+take pics and videos. iPhone is better for me
I am a dumb.
>watching videos on 4.7" IPS screen with mammoth bezels
Don't be retarded, get the S10e. It's superior in every regard.
Last time I bought Samsung for 650€ it turned to shit fast, I'm not buying budget phone from them cause that will be even worse