WHAT language are you learning and why?

WHAT language are you learning and why?

Attached: Paris.png (524x372, 265.93K)

I gave up


Previously Japanese and Ancinet/modern Hebrew
>t bible reader.

German because I want to live there and also have exchange semester in October this year

Good luck freind. Are you making progress?

Russian, because if you don't perfect your own language others are irrelevant.

thanks aussibro and yes! but uni drains all my time so I'm not studying as much as I'd like

bought the textbooks for the A1, A2 and B1 levels but I don't know if I'll be able to get through them before October tbqh

Will coronavirus affect it? That sucks.

Spanish. I do want to pick up something else, but I have not committed to anything.

Do you like torturing yourself?

how do you manage to study abroad, is a university thing?

yeah, it may get cancelled, so I'm not getting my hopes up

the Germans seen to be doing fine though



Never thought I would miss Mandarin.


None, English is sufficient.

Yes. I learned like 300 kanji. But I was younger. I read books like Japanese the manga way(which I really reccomend) And the Genki textbooks. But I just stopped watching anime and playing videogames.

And then I quit learning it.


Orson Welles

English …Because I was boring.
Chinese…Because I was boring.

None because I already know English and it's the only language that matters :^)

How boring...

Imagine quitting anime and vidya only to become dumber

Why are you speaking English good without discipline ?

I'm going to strangle you so hard that you'll devolve three castes and be forced to sell pakoras on the street


I am already at the bottom of caste hierarchy, chang/pooinloojesh

I’m learning Russian so I can impress my girlfriend’s parents, and because I want my children to be bilingual if we reach that point. Plus I’ve always wanted to learn another language so it’s a good opportunity

Jeg spiser et dyr

How you finding it? How good are you?

all of non-native guys.


India should enact English as prime official language.

all other are irrelevant anyway

Chinese and recently started japanese. I always watch japanese related things and i thought it would be a waste to not try to learn it on the way.

I only started learning 2 weeks ago, so as well as you can imagine. With that in mind, the various sounds of Russian are genuinely fascinating. It’s a beautiful language. I’m having a hard time with rolling my r’s and it’s very prevalent in the Russian alphabet. That being said, my gf says I’m getting the hang of the pronunciation, and I don’t plan on quitting any time soon, so overall I’m having a pretty good time with it so far all things considered.

all of non-natives.

French because why not

Why do you hate yourself so much jeet?

None. You know why.

likely a ut*litarian

Same lmao