What has your experience with black girls been like?

What has your experience with black girls been like?

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Not good to be fair. I've found out that their pussies are way too tight.

I dunno, they go in groups and speak a weird tongue

If they’re not ghetto they have a pretty strong BWC fetish. Black girls would constantly try to sit in my lap and compliment me in high school, more than any other type of girl aside from maybe latinxs.

They almost never smell good up close

i don't talk to females

Never tried one, their smell is like a force field that prevents me from getting close.

Pretty good. But I'm black so I have the home team advantage.


Never even seen one in the wild
Would like to
Despise black ''men'' doh!

A group of them yelled "I like yo eyes" at me and I developed a fetish

Does anyone smell good in America? I expect that with your diet it's hard to smell good

Loud pieces of shit.

>What has your experience with girls been like?

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They are fat , loud and stink

black people tend to have better hygiene then whites above poster is just autistic

A close friend is actually dating a niggerina and it's actually weird
how she acts all monkey-like and it's not like she fits around us. She isn't in the same standard economically as my friend is.
His family actually got way unhappier than I did when he showed up with the blackie.
I've talked with his parents and they were like upset about it because it was obvious that she would ruin his genes and was probably just looking for money and a opportunity to idk eat free food i guess

fuck niggrs

White people are just use to smelling white people. If you grew up among blacks you would think white people smelled bad as well (and many do, they think we smell like wet dog or cheese)

This shit doesn't make any sense.
Skin colour doesn't make you smell different.

>black people tend to have better hygiene
cleaning off fingerprints is not hygiene

Hair relaxers smell bad.

tried hooking up with one to no avail


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are blacks common there?

Black women take less baths because they can’t wash nappy hair as often and regular human hair

Also black people smell like cocoa butter

They smell like cocoa butter and getting a blowjob from those lips is amazing. First time I fucked a girl in the ass was with a black girl.

no. never even seen one
I am just here to shitpost and grab a couple of pics of girls

i made out with a cute zulu girl in london a million years ago.

though we engaged in heavy petting, she wouldn't touch my benis :(

>Also black people smell like cocoa butter
wtf this isn't true

There's a generic basis for body odor (and strength thereof), but I don't remember the name of the gene. I've seen a chart posted before, though. Non-ghetto Blacks do tend to have good hygiene and often smell like cocoa butter, but the smell starts coming out as soon as they start sweating, and it pierces through whatever fragrance they're wearing. Every race smells different, it's true, but some smell more than others. I'm White and I understand that I smell a lot if I sweat, but the smell is much different than that of other races. In contrast, the Korean girl I dated never smelled at all even if she were sweating for hours.

May not be true for black Brazilians but it's true for black Americans. Cocoa butter lotion as well as cocoa scented hair products are popular among blacks here.

you feel for Yas Forumstard lies.
I've seem these """"""""studies""""""" too. They're on the same level as Lynn's studies

never seen one IRL

It’s not skin color, it’s genetics (I.e ethnicity). For example, Asians have less aprocrine glands which means they don’t USUALLY have an odor as I’m sure you’ve noticed before. Things like bacteria and diet also matter of course, but genetics do play a very real role

But it's not their smell really, it's the products they use


they actually do smell like cocoa butter btw, it’s how they stop their skin from looking ashy

Which kind of asians? Asian is neither a ethnicity nor a race
>Asians have less aprocrine glands which means they don’t USUALLY have an odor as I’m sure you’ve noticed before.
They smell too. I don't where you take these memes

Hardly any blacks under 40 use those. They wear weave, wigs or wear it natural/braids these days.

either incredibly smart (25%) or incredibly retarded (the other 75%) no inbetween

Just like stereotypes

low iq post