Is injecting light and Bleach into your bloodstream an effective medicine in your ocuntry?

Is injecting light and Bleach into your bloodstream an effective medicine in your ocuntry?

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These articles are fake news 99% of the time. If you actually watch videos of the events, you realise that stuff is taken way out of context and presented as something totally different by the media.

There's video. He's actually that dumb.
Around minute 2.00 it's legit kek

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You just got tricked into providing a link to the source.

So is it okay only when Trump does it?

Based beyond belief, I hope boomers are the ones eating Clorox pods now

>injecting... in the lungs, does a tremendous job on the lungs
lmao, how many boomers are going to turn up dead after trying to fill their lungs with bleach? Comedy gold.

>clorox challenge
Make it happen.

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Fish pills and Bleach. Which is better?

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so how long until Yas Forums start sniffing bleach?

How do we get this to trend on Twitter?

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>Trump mentions something that sounds like something else used to treat aquariums
>baby boomer knocks back multiple times the lethal dosage
>Trump mentions bleach killing coronavirus
>boomers unironically start drinking bleach
Is this actually the best timeline after all?

So Trump really is a democratic plant. Dems want to kill all the stupid republicans.

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Everyone already knows disinfectants kill Corona virus. Trump said he wants experts to "find a way" to disinfect the lungs, which is retarded but won't magically make people try to sniff bleach. Also:

Stomach is not the lungs, dumbasses

>Dems want to kill all the stupid republicans.
based as fuck

He's also making bank on the hydroxychloroquine shit. He has investments in one of the producers.

Trump was the one who started rambling about injecting bleach into the lungs, kouhai.
Is this really the hill you want to die on?


hydroxychloroquine isn't under patent anymore, real money is on the antivirals



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>Trump was the one who started rambling about injecting bleach into the lungs, kouhai.
No shit, as in he wants experts to "find a way" to do so. This is retarded as is, why would it make people try to sniff bleach?

>Is this really the hill you want to die on?
Wtf do you mean "die on"? You go die on it.

Actually the ultraviolet blood thing could be based and it was already used in the50s

The stable genius strikes again. Gotta give it to his nuclear whatchamahaveit uncle MIT genius genes that gave him 100% smart IQs. God bless amtrumpica and her messiah. TDUMP 020002!!

Aaand second post. Really doesn't take long to get some trumpo ass licker to try to clean up his latest shit streak. You really gotta five it to t.dump for creating this cult of idiots though.

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is he talking about uv sterilizers?

>it's real

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Wew lad.

Jesus, you're serious.
>This is retarded as is, why would it make people try to sniff bleach?
Because boomers are dumb as shit, mate. Ger it into their heads that getting bleach inside them will make them immune to the coronavirus and without fail there will be some boomer cunts that connect the dots and start pouring out a bleach nightcap.
>Wtf do you mean "die on"? You go die on it.
Have you honestly not heard that expression before? Are you even old enough to be here?

No. The virus has a shorter half life when exposed to light. Trump is talking about if you can inject light into the body like how in X-rays you can see light on the images.

You really aren't the sharpest tool in the shed

Yeah, just get lung cancer bro

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