How easy is it to get a gf in your country? What are the minimum requirements?
How easy is it to get a gf in your country? What are the minimum requirements?
>Be hot
>Be charming
>Have some money
i'm 178cm and bald at 26 so i never even had a chance
Don’t need the last one, but I can help
>What are the minimum requirements?
Just one: be BLACK.
Be gainfully employed, be at least average appearance/height, and be charming/have game.
>Six pack and able to bench 150kgs
>make $150k+ annually
>politically left wing
Literally anyone can get a gf, what your standards are is what matters.
Not easy actually.
It depends what type of gf you want to acquire.
If you want to fuck a nigger landwhale you don't have to look as good as you need to profit a 5/10 brownish colloured mamal
Now if you shooting for the cutie picrelated gigastacy 9/10
The minimum should definitely involve something like
>you should look fit
>her looks preference (white, asian, nigger)
>you should be socially known (social media account famous-ish)
also this all goes down the drain if you take consideration of some ugly fucks who ends up dating giga stacys
easy if you actually try. gold digging is reserved for white expats. most of our women are massive sluts that just wanna fuck.
you pretty much have to go the gym, be tall and financially successful
You could go get a 1/10 downie today, but you don't even see those women as human.
if thats the only option i'll pass
just be yourself
>8/10 face
>Six figure salary
>Broad shoulders
>8” penis
>Very muscular
>Can play at least 1 sport at a professional level
>Have a naturally dominant alpha personality
These are just the minimum requirements. If you do all of the above you might get an obese 2/10 gf. If you want more than that the standards increase exponentially.
so sad it is ogre
as a whitoid i don't want to bring a child into this mutted zog planet anyway
I wish I knew, I wish I knew...
No we don't have the extreme structure of American dating which makes it much more acceptable
Or European openess to sexuality
Its isn't acceptable to openly hit on women who are your peers or admit attraction it only works if you kind of get drunk and drift into eventually fucking
So pretty much the only people who break through that are the super charismatic and attractive and the absolute drug fucked bogans where social rules don't really apply. Its not too high standards really just barriers.
In my town young people have 50% less sex than their parents or something and that's with a huge bogan population who gets knocked up or married before 21
I'm 21 in middle Australia and almost none of my friends are in a relationship and the ones that are is almost all high school or tinder
>I can help
you can?
>no white shoes
Is this british slang for something? Or does she literally mean I cant wear white shoes?
>no sex before monogamy (when we are both ready to do so ) it means officially dating
am i crazy or is this a bit paradoxical?
>be hot charming and rich to get laid
>in the US
kek I'm none of those and got laid in Seattle literally every night I went out
literally no white shoes
Seems pretty reasonable honestly
Thought you guys loved the whole Trad shit
>Seems pretty reasonable
THIS is the real problem. Simps like you think a massive fucking list is normal and acceptable behaviour and actually try to appease these bitches who already have you mentally beneath them. Shit-test failed.
status basically, not being autistic
none of that is too much though