How does Germany honor their veterans? I've always wondered how Germany honors their WW1 and WW2 veterans. On one hand, I'm absolutely positive Germans get the "Nazis band mkay?" speech whenever this comes up, but on the other, the veterans surely get honored sometimes, right?
What do Germans do since obviously not EVERY German soldier participated in the holocaust or the Rape of Belgium?
How does Germany honor their veterans? I've always wondered how Germany honors their WW1 and WW2 veterans. On one hand...
we thank them for their service and give them discounts for purchases
They don't as far as I know. You see the occasional memoir statue/stone here and there, but they don't honour them. It's usually placed on discreet places.
Western military veterans are terrorists that deserve to be sent home in a box.
I remember seeing a video on YouTube a few years ago that antifa vandalized one that was for both wars. It was two pillars side by side with the years of the war on them. It didn't seem too discrete to me.
Germany is a puppet state just like east germany, if it doesn't follow what is desired by washington it would have been invaded.
99% are dead so..
There is a huge memorial for the fallen in both world wars in front of our church with all their names engraved
I like listening to stories of my grandparents from the war but it's more like "man, those were some crazy times" instead of glorifying the war like they do in america
I've only seen one memorial, and I've lived in Germany. The memorial was located the middle of nowhere in the woods while I was doing a jog.
So there are no national/federal ones like here in the US but there are smaller, community based ones?
he is full of shit
They are all dead.
Regular armed forces got pension, gibbs and help.
Ex SS got nothing, they formed some kind of "union" to help themselves. Totaly BS meme like if a nigga could chose not to joint the SS if drafted.
There are unironically ex wehrmacht brazilians, they got nothing, but a big middlefinger from germany goverment, if they survived as POWs they got stuck in Europe living as hobos until they manage to get back. Going to germany durign the nazi period as a german descendant was one of the most stupid things one could do.
the german state also oppresses any pro german sentiment and that's the prime directive of the german state, to oppress the german nation, shame them and prevent them from flourishing as a people without illness and shame forced upon them.
And this is a good thing. A proud and independant German state would inevitably lead to another war with France
He's making fun of how Americans honor our veterans.
nice power fantasy you got there
I wonder why Trump is whining about the US trade deficit and low German military spending then if Germany is a US puppet
there's nothing to celebrate about the world wars for Germany
there's a public holiday, "people's day of mourning", on November 17th annually, when the victims of Nazism and the fallen soldiers are commemorated
every town has a small memorial that commemorates the fallen soldiers
fuck off to Yas Forums retards
>And this is a good thing. A proud and independant German state would inevitably lead to another war with France
A democratic proud German nation would not desire war with France, it would seek progress as a nation in national development as well as population increase.
The German state is Anti-German and is Germanophobic, prove me wrong.
idk bro, I live in a 5k village and have never seen a WW2 veteran, my grandparents were all little kids during that time
But there for sure were veteran organisations during the 50s-00s, they all got gibs from the state
France invaded Germany in WW2 not the other way around.
Anything glorifying the German people or putting in a good spot without shame is heavily oppressed while putting on a spotlight everything to shame and diminish the German people destroying all their pride in themselves and their history.
well for example the German state provides universal healthcare and don't lets sick people die if they can't afford healthcare unlike a certain supposedly very patriotic country
>mutt history
Germany invaded Poland, in response to which France and Britain declared war on Germany.
History has shown that Germany and France can't peacefully coexist, unless married in a union.
Maybe it would work this time, but I don't want to bet my future on a maybe.
If the treatment done to the Germans was done in Israel diminishing all Jewish heroes and history they would not tolerate it, there is no reason for the Germans to not be proud of themselves as a people and of their history and heroes which accomplished great deeds.
always love when americans speak so confidently about things they have no clue, cracks me up every time
>Maybe it would work this time, but I don't want to bet my future on a maybe.
How can you prove that Germany would not invade France tomorrow in order to plunder all its land and get more tax revenue to the capitalist state?
mad chink lmao
Does it trigger Germans when Wehrmacht soldiers are referred to as "Nazis?"
There are so many other things that are taboo in Germany, why not make it a taboo to be a proud German also? You are considered a Nazi if you put up the German flag on a flag pole in the garden.
It is taboo to talk about your salary, politics, immigration, WW2, nationalism, ethnicity and the list goes on.
Germany and France are members of a single market. There are many supply chains that stretch through Germany and France. A war with France would completely demolish Germany's economy. It wouldn't make any sense
Bitte hans, wir wissen sehr wohl, dass es keinen Krieg zwischen unseren beiden Ländern geben kann
Zusammen sind wir starker als allein
But the wehrmacht soldiers were not Nazis though.
>fight for your country against invaders who are bombing your home to ashes and raping your children
>get spit on by future generations as if you were complicit in anything the administration planned
>Germany and France are members of a single market. There are many supply chains that stretch through Germany and France. A war with France would completely demolish Germany's economy. It wouldn't make any sense
It would make sense in order to force French people to buy German goods for higher prices under occupation thus giving more profit to Germany while forcing France to import more German goods.
I know but I don't give a fuck either way, I like Nazis
We cannot take the peace between our countries for granted. The continuous existence of EU is necessary to keep French and German interests aligned.
Even in a Communist government it makes sense declaring war in neighboring political administration in order to take slaves and goods in order to have more greater goods and production while paying your slaves less this makes you in a better condition.
foreigners on Yas Forums are either delusional stormfags or hate on anything related to Germany
fucking retarded
yes everyone was actually resistance and Hitler had 0 public support, he did everything all on his own
OP Again here. Welp. I tried to make a semi-decent thread. Thanks for the Krautbros who actually answered my question.
>We cannot take the peace between our countries for granted. The continuous existence of EU is necessary to keep French and German interests aligned.
There is nothing guaranteeing any "peace" in the EU.
Be careful you don't get v&, Adolf
Yes we can, as long as there is no foreseeable reason to go to war.
Britain used to be our erbfeind, we were friend before they enter the EU, now they left it and we'll still be friends.
There is no clear distinction between French goods and German goods. For example, Airbus is a German-French joint venture. If Germany was to invade France, it would be very bad for Airbus as a company and Boeing would corner the aviation market
>Britain used to be our erbfeind, we were friend before they enter the EU, now they left it and we'll still be friends.
french hate nazis and boshes and might want to force the french language and dominate Germany
the EU secures peace as much as Yugoslavia.
You did not have to be a member of NSDAP to be in wehrmacht. People were drafted to war. That's the difference between them and SS. That's why it's wrong to label them "Nazi".
>There is no clear distinction between French goods and German goods.
There is no clear distinction between croation and serbian goods.
Our friendship didn't come out of thin air. Generations of politicians negotiated and made compromises to align German and French interests. There are economical and cultural cooperations on all social and economic levels. We should not overlook the commitment of all these people who make the friendship between our countries possible
Our school trip to a concentration camp was actually really funny. Whoever thought it was a good idea to make giving a bunch of edgy 13 year olds a guided tour through a concentration camp school curriculum wasn't very smart
That the French language should be the official language in EU is just vanity as always from the French side. English will still be the de facto language of EU even when GB leaves, because it's actually a neutral language now.
I am pretty sure there is. After all, Croatia is in EU and Serbia isn't. They operate under different legal frameworks
>Our friendship didn't come out of thin air. Generations of politicians negotiated and made compromises to align German and French interests. There are economical and cultural cooperations on all social and economic levels. We should not overlook the commitment of all these people who make the friendship between our countries possible
French see Germany as a threat to their language and culture and want to invade them to destroy this threat on the existence of the purity of their culture and language as well as to take all profits or a more unequal benefit from Germany.
what happened?
Was it the same in Yugoslavia?
French people have accepted their subservient role towards Germany after WW2, it's the poles that are getting uppity again
the french military has nukes and much more power than Germany, French could invade Germany and send you all in chains along with poland.