He United States Air Force (USAF) carried out an extensive bombing campaign against North Korea from 1950 to 1953...

>he United States Air Force (USAF) carried out an extensive bombing campaign against North Korea from 1950 to 1953 during the Korean War.
>During the campaign, conventional weapons such as explosives, incendiary bombs, and napalm destroyed nearly all of the country's cities and towns, including an estimated 85 percent of its buildings.
Why is Amerikkka so evil?

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damn that 'propaganda' artwork wasn't lying

HOLY based!

Sources cuck. Post em


>US literally killed millions of Korean civilians in their bombings
Pure evil

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Americans have no regard for forigners in forign countries. The "YEAH, KILL 'EM" meme is accurate for most of the population. Plus even with "free" media we would never hear about any of that. Hundreds of thousands of iraqi civies died and nobody gave a shit.

>Caring about Koreans
I saw that one thread about how they seethe about westerners and talk about Blacks all the time on their websites. They are a mentally ill people. Japan was right to take over their country.

We need leaders like LeMay and McArthur again.

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'Merica din' do nuthin'

Bombed them so hard we fucked up their soil and fucked with their already limited food production capability. Now we shit on them for having problems with food insecurity. With any luck, I'll see the fall of AmeriKKKa within my lifetime.

I hope somebody someday will invade american land. To bring the bombing, mortars, gunfire and the frontline to their homes and backyards. So they finally understand what they do abroad every few years.


Weren't they the indisputable aggressors though?

Was this supposed to make me ashamed? MacArthur should've nuked those faggots

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Yes he should.

Then the USSR would've raped Europe and I'd be speaking Russian now. Would've been based.

>Then the USSR would've raped Europe and I'd be speaking Russian now
You don't really get how MAD doctrine worked do you? Also no way in hell would Khruschev have invaded western Europe.

I hope somebody someday will invade serbian land. To bring the bombing, mortars, gunfire and the frontline to their homes and backyards. So they finally understand what they did to Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Kosov- no wait that already happened lmao

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Le wmds, le chemical weapons we wuz world police n sheeeit

*snipes fleeing civillian bosnianrino running down the street*

Keep laughing young fatty life will hit you hard one day

Google markale false flag and uçk terrorism. You always had a soft spot for terrorists


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Oh no no no no

So dropping bombs containing depleted uranium on the civilian population of Belgrade was an appropriate response?

> On April 14, during daylight hours, NATO aircraft repeatedly bombed Albanian refugee movements over a twelve-mile (19 km) stretch of road between Gjakova and Dečani in western Kosovo, killing seventy-three civilians and injuring thirty-six others Human Rights Watch (HRW) could document. The attack began at 1:29pm and persisted for about two hours, causing civilian deaths in numerous locations on the convoy route near the villages of Bistrazin, Gradis, Madanaj, and Meja.

I'd post a list of massacres done by Serbs during all the Yugoslav wars but there's a 2000 character limit

>one bomb = one bad

^as complicated as anti-americans brains can go

No context, no history, no thought. Just 1 bomb = 1 bad.

Luckely America is almost extict already. By 2050 it will be devided by Mexica, China and Black dixie ethnostate where all survived Americans will be living as cuck servants.

Yeah cuz Europe never bombed anyone fuckin lol

I know those crimes, the perpetrators were all extradited to ICJ. Yours are treated as royalty

Sorry *ict for former yugoslavia not icj


