Why don't we americans care about our european heritage that much?

Why don't we americans care about our european heritage that much?

Attached: amerimutt3.webm (720x720, 1.15M)

But I thought you did?
Also source?

No, nobody know where their great grand dad comes from
>uhhhhh somewhere in germany

did they really catch the owner of the site with cp?

I was expecting like 5 BBCs to appear. How disappointing.

We fell for the white meme

We are all American, if you identify as European then you are a subversive cuck

looks like lili

Attached: dad.jpg (1067x1059, 655.43K)

I think that's mostly because of ignorance, no?

one of my fav GDP vids

Literally no one does, when you ask a generic American what their ethnic background is, they don't even really know unless it's super obvious like Hispanic, black, Italian, Indian, Asian...etc. 99% of whites here have no "ethnic" identity

You all adopted the idea of an American identity which trumped the reality of your ethnical/cultural background.

Why are Americans absolutely obsessed with ancestry?

educational system and government policy


because jews.

I do. Anyone that doesn't is probably a libtard.

You are not your ethnicity

Because it’s racist or some shit.

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Because the idea of a European and american are different. There are white Americans and Europeans. Although white Americans are of European descent no one is 100% German or 100% Irish. It's hard to care about European heritage when you're an amalgamation of all European countries

They care, but only on a superficial level. The US has been trying to separate themselves from European influence for hundreds of years.

We are descendants of various Northwestern Europeans who have adopted Anglo culture

Integration/assimilation. Think about it. The average child to Ecuadorian parents on average still knows Spanish, is likely to marry someone of Ecuadorian/Central American descent, visits the country, perhaps even lives there for a while, etc. Because their parents never really assimilated. So the culture is still real. Compare that to the average Joseph Cinquemani, (who pronounces their last name "Sin-kay-manny) who maybe knows their family descends from Italy, Ireland, England, Poland, Germany...etc., but knows nothing about any of the countries, only knows English (either because their parents didn't learn it from their parents, who didn't learn it from their parents, etc, down to parents who only knew dialect,) who simply "identifies as white," is brought up with the jingoistic bullshit of this country like the national anthem, and is taught to have a recipe for """cannolis""" because "every Italian has one," even though their last Italian-born ancestor was from Molise. That's the average larper who is "into their roots." The rest don't even put the 1% of effort our strawman does.

Pretty much the only thing anglo about modern America is your language

this. We care about our racial Europeaness but not much else

>m-muh European heritage!
Both sides of my family have been in the United States for nearly a century. When I was growing up, I probably ate more Polish foods than the average American. Other than that--and alongside my genetics and phenotype--I fail to see how or why my heritage should have any bearing on my identity or self-image.

Is it occasionally interesting to think about how my ancestors lived and where they came from? Of course. But those are thoughts about my ancestors, not some broader, pan-European "identity."

Faggot Europeans have been killing themselves for hundreds and hundreds of years. The fact that they're [mostly] white doesn't change shit.

a meme.
We're still very similar to the other Anglo countries, and are still have plurality British descent.

Americans have allowed themselves to be categorized homogeneously. Many never travel beyond the New World. The color matters more for identity's sake than the flavors and the texture of this melting pot.

you kind of are though. genetics are kind of the paramount definer of who you are

Are you sure? I'm led to believe that american culture is just white washed black culture.
You know, jazz, rock, blues, these weird celebratory protestant sects,

Ethnicity don't have anythign to do with genetics.