>What language(s) are you learning? >Share language learning experiences! >Ask questions about your target language! >Help people who want to learn a new language! >Participate in translation challenges or make your own! >Make frens!
FAQ U: >How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects? Read the damn wiki >Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X? No >What is the most useful language? Faroese >What language should I learn? Ancient Greek
>esperanto is the least learned language on duolingo what went wrong?
Leo Campbell
What went wrong with Esperanto? Don't even know where to start
Levi Bailey
>Challenge. Answer and/or translate the following questions.
1. How many countries have you traveled to? Which one was your favourite? 2. What's the best piece of advice someone has given you? 3. When you look at the night sky, what do you think about? 4. If you could relive one day of your life, which one would it be and why? 5. Do you think humans are inherently selfish, greedy and materialistic? Why? 6. Is it possible to make two cats like each other and stop fighting? How? 7. If you'd be given the chance to meet one historical figure, which one would it be and why? 8. Has something paranormal ever happened to you? And if not, do you believe in the paranormal? 9. What keeps you busy during quarantine? 10. Talk about your last dream. What happened? Where were you?
Carson Rogers
For fuck sake i keep just bouncing around programs for Russian, Memrise and Duolingo being the main ones. I can't learn shit, i have the Penguin Russian Course book and i am trying to read it and honestly understand 1/4 of what the book is telling me and not a 1/4 of the Russian but a 1/4 of the concepts in general that it tries to explain. Most just go over my head and it is hard for a brainlet like myself to even get it fully without a bunch of bing bong wahoo sound visuals and good boy points adding up because it is just a book and i have read probably 6 of those in my life. I am 400 learned words into the memrise course right now and i can't remember the vast majority of them and it seems futile. Why can some people just have a dictionary and a few youtube videos and learn a language, am i just low IQ or something.
>Why can some people just have a dictionary and a few youtube videos and learn a language They can't, don't know where you got that from. >am i just low IQ or something Yeah, probably.
Parker Bell
Don't get discouraged user, Russian is a hard language to learn. Maybe it'd be easier for you if you get a private tutor or something. see Italki
Brayden Peterson
Kial vi estas tiel kruela?
Gavin Edwards
Yeah, and one of the reasons is that I can understand it less than Italian despite it supposedly being made to facilitate communication.
Levi Green
Learn a better language
Alexander Gray
I'm likewise learning Russian. I have Penguin, but I haven't used it much. I tried Pimsleur and learned absolutely nothing. Duolingo has been surprisingly useful to me. Make sure to review old lessons consistently, and it should stick better. Whenever I learn a language, I find it helpful to try to say sentences I think about throughout the day, and I look it up on my phone if I don't know a word. For example, I was thinking about how hot it is today, so I thought about how to say this in Russian and texted a Russian "Здecь ceйчac 32C." I try to send texts to native speakers and request corrections.
Is there anything in particular you're struggling with the most?
Luke Parker
Pimsleur is not for learning vocabulary, it's for practising conversational skills.
Michael Evans
>Easy "Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible."
>Medium ""I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
>Hard "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, and present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
I'm aware, but I was hoping to learn basic conversational phrases with it. I learned plenty of basic phrases using it for Portuguese and improved my pronunciation tremendously, I was hoping to get the same for Russian.
Kayden Peterson
The first few lessons of Russian Pimsleur teach you: >how to say your nationality >how to greet someone >how to say goodbye to someone >how to ask where a place is >how to ask someone if they know how to speak English >how to say that you're hungry For a tourist's crummy language-learning program this is pretty good value. I don't know what else you were expecting.
>Medium Es zinu tavas apspiešanas un tavu nabadzību, bet tomēr tu esi bagāts, un ka tevi zaimo tie, kas saucas par jūdiem un nav tādi, bet ir sātana sinagoga.
>Hard Neraizējieties ne par ko, bet jūsu lūgšanas un aizlūgumi lai nāk Dieva priekšā; visā pateicībā izsakiet savu vēlēšanos Viņam. Un Dieva miers, kas pārspēj visu saprašanu, lai pasarga jūsu sirdis un jūsu domas Jēzū Kristū.
Aaron Torres
>>Easy Fides res non facit faciles, sed possibiles. >>Medium Cognovi opera, tribulationes, et pauperitatem tuam (sed tu pecuniosus es), etiam cognovi blasphemiam eorum qui se Iudaeos esse dicunt nec sunt, et immo vero synagoga Satanae sunt. >>Hard Nolite anxii esse de aliqua re, sed semper orantes et rogantes mente gratā petitiones vestras offerte Deo. Et pax Dei, quae intellectūs omnes transcendit, corda et mentes vestras servabit in Iesu Christo.
Elijah Smith
Anons that studied German, where did you learn from, I'm having trouble finding good sources to study from.
>Einfach Glaube macht nicht Dinge einfach, Es macht sie möglich >Mittel Ich kenne deine Werke, und Armut, aber du (bist?) Reich und ich kenne die Gotteslästerung von ihnen welchem sagt sie sind Juden*, und sind nicht, aber der Synagoge Satans* >Schwer Sei nicht ängstlich über irgendwas, aber in jeder Lage, durch Gebet und Antrag, mit Erntedankfest, und präsentiert deine ersuche zu Gott. Und der Frieden von Gott, welche transzendiert alle verstehen, wird bewacht Ihren herzen und (Köpfe?) in Christus Jesus *I tried using genitiv is it correct?
Benjamin Green
>1. Quantos países já visitaste? Qual foi o teu favorito? Os únicos que consigo lembrar são o Portugal e a Cuba, gostei mais do Portugal mas naquela altura não era capaz de falar português e portanto gostaria de ir de novo >2. Qual é o melhor conselho que alguém já te deu? Sê tu mesmo (na verdade não sei) >3. Quando olhas pelo céu á noite, sobre que pensas? Penso sobre as todas as oportunidades que eu me deixei passar, em quando a vida era mais simples, sobretudo a paz do momento >4. Se pudesses reviver um dia da sua vida, qual seria e porquê? Sei lá, a minha memória é tudo desarrumada, não podia escolher se quisesse >5. Achas que os humanos são inerentemente egoístas, ávidos e materialistas? Porquê? Sim são, pelo menos a maioria, especialmente aqui na minha cidade. Vi tantos burros aqui é ridículo >6. É possível fazer dois gatos gostarem um ao outro e pararem de lutar? Como? Não tenho gatos mas diria que sim, o que é que eu faria é dar ambos gatos comida >7. Se fosses dado uma oportunidade para conhecer uma figura da história, quem seria e porquê? Não sei, talvez um gajo qualquer só para saber como é que a vida era no passado >8. Já alguma vez viste algo paranormal? E se não, acreditas no paranormal? Acho que não, mas tenho memórias estranhas de quando eu era novo, mas era novo e portanto não acredito >9. O que faz-te ficar ocupado durante a quarentena? "Estudar" português, jogar vídeojogos, cozinhar novas coisas, falar com amigos online, ler e qualquer coisa que me apetece >10. Fala sobre o teu último sonho. O que aconteceu? Onde é que estavas? Já não me lembro bem, talvez na manhã se ninguém corrigir o meu desafio vou responder
Talvez vá fazer o outro mais tarde
Carson Johnson
What are you doing shitposting here when you haven't even learnt the difference between concrete and abstract verbs?
Gavin Bell
i know the difference, you fucking idiot. i'm pointing out that the derivatives (not even directional, you fucking monkey) of those words combine both forms in perfective/imperfective aspect, which can be confusing. what a shit attempt at seeming smart by reading too far into something
Caleb Morgan
If anyone is interested in learning the (old/Baltic) Prussian language, I have resources.