Why do the latinx people dislike showers?

Why do the latinx people dislike showers?

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I'm white and I only shower every other day.
Especially since the lockdown started, I've just been staying at home all day. I haven't been doing anything that would make my skin or my clothes dirty, so I don't see any reason to waste water showering when I'm already clean.

Because they're stinky monkeys

South Americans shower like 3 times a day, do Mexicans really?

I sometimes go a day without a shower but only if am just staying home all weekend.

we take more showers than anywhere else in the world i think
taking 2 showers a day is normal and taking 3 or more isn't unheard of, it's whitoids who don't shower

It's not healthy for your skin, yhough if you live in a humid climate like I do, you're forced to shower daily when days become hot.

fucking stink shitters

i shower once a week lol

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i showered yesterday before going to work. today i will not shower because im fucking lazy

Lmao filthy mexcrement

Thank God I am not latino. Fuck these amerindian bastards.

is it really humid in your cunt?

Imagine her musky asshole and pussy hmmm
Sucking her sweaty 2 day unwashed LatinX toes...

> tf
> tp

Do you have warm or cold showers?

Do we really?

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The Japanese are fucking filthy kek

It’s funny because here in my country the stereotype is that white Americans and Europeans are the ones that don’t like to shower that much.

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Isn't showering actually a latin thing?Or it's only in hueland?

ive showered like 4 times this month...i have depression and am out of work, it's hard to do anything

It's the opposite actualy. It's white people that don't shower

Yes, and apparently indians are clearner than anglos

It is a latin thing, that bitch just got americanized

This graphic do not makes sense or I am a brainlet?

Depends on where you live. A huge part of our country is actualy dry as fuck

It depends on the place. Brazil Is big as fuck. In the amazon and coasts it is humid, but whe have some very dry places in the center and Norteast.

You're a brainlet.

i'm white and I shower once and often twice day. Is there something wrong with good hygiene?

That word is a wh*Te thing pinche gavacho

High IQ answer

huff n puff

I fucking hate American comedians, stop making everything about race
>white poeple thing
>black people thing
>brown people thing
How is this funny?

What's the point in showering daily? What are you cleaning, dead skin?

How people can what their heads without taking a shower?

>doing feat that has been traditionally difficult to do in europe, a region where white people associated with, because of harder access to water and lower temperature
>white people thing
why do we let people with such intelligence to possess ridiculous amount of financial resources?

>Is there something wrong with good hygiene?
Not at all, but a shower a day isn't necessary for good hygiene, 2 showers even less. It depends what you do, but if you don't exercise nor have a physical job you don't need to shower daily, your body at rest doesn't naturally secrete enough sweat and sebum within a day to justify a shower. Furthermore if you use certain types of soap and very hot water it might actually dry your skin even more and make your skin secrete more sebum in reaction.

You shit everyday

Based brainlet

That's what bidets and toilet paper and soap are for.

god, imagine the smell

Shower is more of a social concept associated with appearance nowadays while actual hygiene is more about preventing diseases and maintaining the well-being of your body.

Water Is a white men's thing