Does this happen in your country?

Does this happen in your country?

Attached: USA.png (961x852, 230.5K)

No, we don't have that many Americans in my country, and I doubt they'd be eligible for unemployment benefits anyway.

Based. Now, when shit hits the fan, start liquidating the rich.

I didn't file because the website is shit. I went in person for a paper application in my car, it was drive through, but there was a bunch of people on foot and they started a huge fight. One guy had a gun so I decided it was time for me to leave.

>but there was a bunch of people on foot and they started a huge fight. One guy had a gun so I decided it was time for me to leave.
Blowout soon, stalker.

Attached: 1545079544980.jpg (478x598, 51.98K)

>here was a bunch of people on foot and they started a huge fight. One guy had a gun so I decided it was time for me to leave

Only in America.

civil war incoming

The government made it illegal to fire people so no.

>Stiglitz said Republicans had opposed proposals to give those affected by coronavirus 10 days’ sick leave, meaning many employees were going to work even while infected. “The Republicans said no because they said it would set a bad precedent. It is literally unbelievable.”

Master wouldn't give us 10 days off when we got Corona

forgot pic

Attached: thirdie yo.png (1087x1026, 631.33K)

Yeah, the figure is about 10% now.

meanwhile only 2.6 million people WORLDWIDE have this thing, fucking joke that everyone under the age of 30 is getting destroyed economically for this.

I filed for unemployment a few days ago, for reasons unrelated to corona. I still haven't heard back, but I'm pretty sure I won't get it because I didn't work 40 hours per week at my previous job.

>meanwhile only 2.6 million people WORLDWIDE have this thing

We're only 4 months in, and 4 months ago it was around 10.000. Do you not know how diseases spread? Do you have a concept of linear time?

They're right. Everybody will become a hypochondriac, think they're infected, and not show up to work. It'll crash even the "essential" business economy.

yes, when we left socialism, for about 8 years it was harsh

>meanwhile only 2.6 million people WORLDWIDE
american education on viruses

The more people get it the better. You get sick, feel shit for a few days, build up an immunity, then go about your life. It is not deadly.

>think they're infected, and not show up to work

Really? I'm essential and we sort of doubled down to do our part in my craft

Attached: LOA.jpg (1836x1836, 889.45K)

Did you know that the us is the only (nominaly) first world country that doesn't have paid sick leaves?

They are not rare here though fyi. Many Union jobs and even non union have some type of sick day program, sometimes you accumulate more sick time "hours" per time worked, and once you get to 8 you have a full day

>go about your life. It is not deadly.

White privilege strikes again.

So you essentialy have to "earn" your sick days? That's fucked up. In most countries it's mandated by law with some restrictions on how long with some doctors note.

The thing is, from a purely economical point of view, it would be better to just let the virus do its thing and kill the boomers. The fact that we're not doing it shows that, surprisingly, we actually care more about life than about money

That was just one example, sometimes there is a set amount, like 3 or 5 days per year. I don't get them, but have supplemental insurance that pays me 75% of my wages in a short term disability scenario

Have you ever even seen a penis

LOL ok it's not illegal to go bankrupt though

In America we earn things through hard work. I wouldn't expect a yuro to understand.

I have a hard time understanding how Americans manage to plan their lives with virtually no safety nets. There is no perental leave. If both parents work how do they manage financially? If someone gets sick and you cant cough up Is there any unemployment insurance? What about kindergarten? Is that free and generally available? If not then how do people manage? What if you just slip on some ice and breake a leg, will you be out of money if you cant work then?

>no paid time off
>no maternal or paternal leave
>the state requires you to participate in a scam if you want to drive
>you cannot go anywhere, do anything, or work without owning a car
>can't drink in public
>can't hire a prostitute
>can't talk shit about ((your masters))
>monopolies are enforced by the state instead of being prevented by the state
>bad business practices are forgiven with taxpayer money
>I have a hard time understanding how Americans manage to plan their lives
They don't.
>What if you just slip on some ice and breake a leg, will you be out of money if you cant work then?
You die because you're a pathetic loser who's poor even though that's literally 90% of the country.


>how Americans manage to plan their lives
we dont