Yas Forums is a dog board

Yas Forums is a dog board

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I want to have a big dog but the one my parents got is small

Because you ate the rest of his parts

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No I didn't user.

le epic chonker = le good dogerino
if you use 1 of the phrases used above itt to justify your preference kys

El peruano bringing up reddit shit no one mentioned

for me, it's le doggeaux mignon

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How could you eat this?

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Using chopsticks

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Catt Attacc

R8 my doggo

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satisfied doggo

My boy

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lookin good

they cute

can cats even recognize their owners? they realize they are pets?

Yeah they meow only to human owners.

yes, you have to make them realize you fill their bowl with food, that you clean their shit and that in return you can grab them whenever you can and start petting them. if youre a faggot and act like its another human but you do everything obviusly they wont give a fuck about you.

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Did you say... DOGGO?!

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dogs are normalfags.

one of my cat jumps at me like this, at order even

I just pat my chest in from of her, and then she just jumps on me


the what now

americans love to fatten up their cats for instagram likes, hence "chonker"

Did you say... DOGGO?!

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