Genuinely asking, why don't euros have kids?

Genuinely asking, why don't euros have kids?

Attached: BUSINESS-EU-birth-rates.png (620x462, 248.18K)

Taxes are to high not enough disposable wealth


It's expensive to raise a family, that's why only the rich (I don't count the immigrants) have kids nowadays.

property price to high
rent fucks me over
work is already stress and mundane enough

and just to top it all off
i dont have much success in dating

But you guys are the richest per capita region on earth practically

I can barely afford to keep my car on the road. How the fuck would I afford a kid?

It's not poverty, people are not anymore poor now than before. People have higher "expectations" before having children. They need to travel, they need to take a pHd, they need to own an apartment and a car, and they also still need to afford to travel 1-2 times a year aboard even after having children.

No, that's North America. We are poor because of high taxes (thanks socialism) and houses are either too small or too expensive. Also, many people don't have a stable career.

Penis too small. Cannot reach womb.

>expensive to rise a family
Yeah I guess if you spend all your money on vacations and videogames.

>people are not anymore poor now than before.
Baby Boomers had a good job, a big house in a white suburb, a family and a dog at 25 years without being scared by unemployment.

Kids consume your money and time that is money
It ruins your womans body

they cry in the night, they stupid, they shit
I hadnt have money to live my life in my twenties so I wanna have some fun now

I had selfish shit parents

you can do a PhD and have children right?

Muslims still seem to manage though

Not everyone can

that's right you need to cut it

People just don't want to anymore, you can blame many things for it
But don't bring up this poverty bullshit, this is literally the best time ever to have children, with welfare and shit they basically pay for themselves, and people for thousands of years had kids in material conditions that were 1000x worse than today

Most People would be able to afford a child, but see it as an hindrance to their carreer or life in general, which is fair enough. Many people don't face any pressure from not having kids, since its a legitimate choice nowadays

Why do you breed more than 2 children?

Family is the goal of wealth here. Big house, big family etc.

and that doesn't seem silly to you?
you countries need to wise up, we have enough humans, club is full


Modern lifestyle has made having families more difficult. It's proven that the more developed a region becomes, the lower the fertility rate becomes. Women pursue careers on their own (in many cases they have to because the husbands income alone doesn't suffice) and children are an obstacle. It's the system that makes having children unattractive. It could be changed with some investments, but just inviting migrants is easier for the governments.

not true, scandis have a stupid amount of disposable income

Of course, but most people will be finished with a pHD in their late 20s. It makes the time scope for having children a lot shorter.

> tf
> tp

Jesus said to

People have a lot of children in "those" countries because they don't have a functioning welfare system. Your children are your security net when you are old.

I mean you can produce both at the same time

Yes goy, it's not because boomers took a world where they had secure employment by 19, a house and car by 24 and actionable pension of $5000 a month by 45 and burned it all to make sure their retirement was even more enriched. It's all because you spent $60 on a video game.

No africa has enough humans don't you fucking tell me australia is full with a country the size of america and less than 100x the people. Fuck you, its always a white person who says "there are too many people" europeans on average have mostly 1 sometimes 2 kids. This means the average age for example of a german is rising. And actually more Germans are dying than being born. But I guess africans have 8 kids so thats enough for mother earth. Go extinct. You deserve it. It's only fucking white people like this.

Because people are hedonists.

France does, it has a higher fertility rate than several latin american countries

If you are doing a Phd in STEM you will definitely not have time to raise children. Writing a PhD is stressful enough in it self, and a lot of people get burned out. Imagine putting a child in the mix also.

It actually makes perfect sense to me, which is why I find the euro way odd, hence this thread. What about it is odd to you?

Culture has changed in the Western world to focus entirely on the self and not the larger society. Why have a child if it takes away your own liberty?

Guess why

learn into rationalization pls
no jesus
no ma familia

oh look there's the retard. Are you an aboriginal?
what does going extinct even mean? what does it have to do with me personally? Why don't you let in asian boatpeople then if you got so much capacity?

it's expensive and people aren't family-oriented anymore

It makes sense to me too. When a society questions why have kids. You live in a sick society. They do not need immigrants they need mental healthy operations because they as a society are sick.

Because humans aren't interchangeable identical units.


Genuine question to people not having kids,
when it comes to you aging, do you expect society to pay your retirement and healthcare cost?

All you did was prove to me that a healthy society need jesus. What good was making europe wealthy if you will not pass that on to anyone?

You don't care if Germans go extinct? I mean
what I said. Don't have kids, if you can't see why you should its too late for Germans. What is the point of having kids, he asks.
It is not in my interest to take one refugee.

Kys, abornigger.

>firsties complaining about being poor

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I'll admit Ns have more children than white french people but white french people are probably the most fertile white europeans.

>do i expect the state to uphold their part of the bargain after 40years of paying pension and healthcare?