>implying Asian men aren't masculine
Implying Asian men aren't masculine
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I guarantee you fetishize asian women.
Nothing sadder than men who try but still don't stand a chance.
t. ricecel
how can be someone be so ripped but still look like a fucking downie
Cannot change facial structure easily desu
Jomon and some filipinos are okay. Imagine having typical asian face in west. You always will be the ugliest man in the room
Italians are Arab, you are not western.
Those faces, those baby faces, and they can't grow facial hair, sad.
This pic releted guy is indeed masculine and chadish not an gym nerd.
Asians are so cucked
In southernmost Italy to a degree. Many north Italians are Celtic. They may look like Brits.
Instead of sending money to ((israel)) we should we financing Mongol plane tickets to china so they can cuck cH*nk men
Still looks like a school boy or a kid with down syndrome
Why are Westerner so insecure about their masculinity?
The only masculine asian men are MONGOLS stop trying you pasty white baby face math geeks
Why do you post ricecels
That is not fair. Mongols have been some to chadest race on the planet since ever. Gengis Khan literally has billions of descendantes.
Look how gay the mongol clothes are, but not a single signal of faggotry. The virgin journalist looks like sucks cocks daily.
There was a very brief period of time in Japanese history between the meji restoration and the end of the showa era where Japanese man were no longer freakishly short but also weren't addicted to anime.
in asia big muscles is considered homosexual
homo here, I swipe left on asian """""men""""""" because they look like ugly chinks, I mean a fucking 4/10 white male is superior than every """hot""" chink 5'4 male
this is so rage inducng
why are chinks such cucks
why are wh*tes so soulless
why are both on my earth
that was cringe to watch jesus
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>Oh nooo you ruined my honour I must suicide now because my code told me
Have you actually scene Harakiri? Because that consept is actually what the movie attacks.