All it took to collapse neoliberal capitalism was some Chinese eating bats and coughing

>all it took to collapse neoliberal capitalism was some Chinese eating bats and coughing

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this pepe is flaming hot

Groyper thread?

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>all it took to collapse communism was nothing

>implying communism has been achieved

You will be speaking chinese soon

>all it took to collapse neoliberal capitalism was some Chinese eating bats and coughing
Unlike Communism which just collapses anyway

>neoliberal capitalism was never achieved we must try again

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Left wing status : destroyed

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that's a incorrect though

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You mean all the resources of the Western world

>You mean all the resources of the Western world
Imagine living in a paradise like Switzerland and still feeling that "no, we should just reorganize society completely after the ideas of this random dude from the 19th century"

Seems legit

the current system is quite fragile indeed

>the current system is quite fragile indeed
not really, no.

implying you need to be familiar with the ideas of this random dude from the 19th century to realize that the current system is fucked

one month of people not buying non-essential stuff was all it was needed for the entire world economy to collapse lmao

You want to say that without crying next time?

>current system is fucked
Yes but the solution is not to go backwards to a dead ideology.



The current system is not perfect but i's certainly not "collapsing", if it was then you wouldn't have neets shitposting on on their computers right now.

And honestly, try to come up with something new. Communism has been tried, it was mostly just shit. Why not make a new ideology instead of being stuck 200 years back in time? Do you lack any kind of creativity?

>Comunism bad
>Capitalism good

I would DIEEE for the stockss market

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Guys, guys, I swear it is going to work this time!

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communism hasn't been tried, communism is stateless and moneyless by definition
socialism may have been tried, and arguably it failed, but it doesn't invalidate the idea. capitalism for example had to be tried many times before establishing itself as the de facto system. we had to go through enslavement, colonization, war and revolutions to establish capitalism, and it was not pretty, "mostly just shit", but i don't see you crying about that?

>Comunism good
>Capitalism bad
>I would DIEEE for the worker's revolution
Fun story, my communist classmate literally told me he was fine with getting his head cut off by revolutionaries. If you want to make some omelet you need to crack some eggs and letting some innocent people die is worth it because our current society is just soo oppressive.

In other words; the worst part about communism is that it's folliwed mostly by intolerable faggots. The best part is that most of said faggots are executed just after the revolution is started.

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>communism hasn't been tried
1. Read the Bolshevik ideological programme from before they got to power. Were they communists? The answer is yes.
2. Does Marx approve of a violent revolution that initially puts the power into the hands of the dictatorship of the proletariat? The answer is yes.

So they were communist both in ideology and method. Yet it still failed. I'm not saying this means that communism was bound to failed, but in this case it most certainly did. So why not invent something better? Learn from the mistakes of the Bolsheviks so that you'll avoid going down the same road?

ofc, i don't give a fuck about your tranny friend.The traitors must pay

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>i don't give a fuck about your tranny friend.The traitors must pay
Cope, he's Italian and probably more manly than you'll ever be. Yet he's the archetypical communist hence he has no grip on reality.

they were communists, they were trying to *achieve* communism, and yes, they failed, because they didn't get there
why don't we try again, maybe with other strategies, different from the Bolsheviks? maybe with less party corruption? less centralized power? more technology and machine learning algorithms? give me one reason why we shouldn't try again

You write like an American. By that I mean like an idiot.

There's a difference between "neoliberal capitalism" and "the fucking whole world's economy", you know

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>why don't we try again, maybe with other strategies, different from the Bolsheviks? maybe with less party corruption? less centralized power? more technology and machine learning algorithms? give me one reason why we shouldn't try again
Yes you definitely should, just call it something else and begin by acting it out yourselves instead of immediately forcing it upon everyone else.

Who knows, maybe you might even come up with something good. I'm not against trying to create a new system. I'm just tired of people implicitly denying that the Russian revolution was a sincere attempt to create communism, and this by some ideologically well read communists.

I also think you should at least attempt to do something on a smaller scale before you try to force it upon others. Like the kibbutzim for an example (even though these failed). And I honestly find it incredibly stupid that you always need to revert to whatever Marx said and then use that as a starting point. For fucks sake, the dude lived 200 years ago. He couldn't foresee half of what has happened since his death and many of his theories have been disproved.

You should create something entirely new instead of worshipping old ideologies.

Leftism is a failed ideology that will always inevitably lead to authoritarianism and mass murder

>so you don't like living under a king? well, maybe you should try something on a smaller scale, buy some land, gather up some friends and go live on the outskirts without a king!
you know how that wasn't what ended feudalism? but rather violent revolution? because people in power don't just give in into a system just because it's better for most people lmao i'm all in for trying new socialists strategies (for example cybernetic socialism, Paul Cockshott's ideas, etc.) but revolution is necessary imo