I fucking hate this socialistic country so much

i fucking hate this socialistic country so much.
i have to pay fucking 42% income taxes.
im losing my mind here.
does this happen in ur cunt?

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no because i don't work

Yes. And that's a good thing. It sounds like you're not rich enough to not pay taxes and live in isolation from actual people. If you don't want to live like a barbarian pay your taxes.

i mean your taxes is still probably more than ill earn in my lifetime, so cry me a river

haha fucking wagecucks be working through corona probably killing themselves in the process

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lol german wagies don't earn shit
qualification is ultra high and wages are ultra low here

>42% in taxes
He's a whiny autistic yuppie. He's working from home.

Woo and I thought my benefits and taxes at 33% was bad.

I pay 20% but get absolutely nothing from the government. Not even schools they get funded by property taxes. I literally give 20% of my salary for constant war and corporate welfare queens. At least you can visit a doctor. You can't even go to a shitty sketchy Indian doctor without spending 500$ out of pocket WITH insurance if you get an illness. We are literally 3rd world, Hans. Be thankful.

You get to life a good life with free healthcare. Meanwhile my obesity is causing me to go bankrupt.

>I suffer in a tutorial mode country

You pay it so you have a good safety net if something happens to you.

You're literally living in heaven. I would kill my parents to be on your place

Be grateful that your money goes to public services.
Mine just disappears into some already rich, fat asshole's pockets.

you probably never worked a single day in your life

we don't get shit from our taxes either.
we have the worst internet in europe, africa tier roads and infrastructure in general.

im 31 yo and working my ass of every day at the fucking hospital.
i only have 35k in stock although im already 31yo.
how am i supposed to build up a proper wealth backup. im on the edge on suicide right now.

go hermit mode then retard

>he bought into the lies
You deserve all of it.

>good safety

let's switch places, income tax is 0% here

I'd happily pay taxes if that means a good public healthcare, education, cultural and pension system for my family to have

You and I are in the same boat. I am just slowly killing myself with alcohol.

Why do you need wealth? It seems like you have enough to get by.

I pay less in taxes, but the taxes I pay mostly goes to social security for boomers, bombing brown people for israel, corporate handouts, and spying on citizens via FBI/CIA.
I'm in both medical debt (a lot) and student loans (not much). I don't intend on paying the former, and I'm doing my phd so I can ignore the latter for another few years.
I'd rather be in your situation.

Shut up fat.

marry your gf and escape steuerklasse 1

Being cleaning staff doesn't really qualify as "hospital" work

Median Wealth per adult
>Germany 35,313
>Poland 22,600

Even Italy, Spain and Ireland are richer than us. "Goymoney" is a meme, we're just considered to be richfags, because first many of the best European companies are German and second our state's the demonic incarnation of King Midas.

yeah but you get to post articles where americans go into crippling debt because of medical procedures and type OH SAY CAN YOU SEE


Maybe you're being too hard on yourself

lol I pay 25% taxes, but I'm happy for that - it means I didnt pay any fees for university, we don't pay for any medicine or healthcare, the police, schools, and good golly those folks that just don't feel like working, god bless them

Germany doesn't have a very generous welfare state, either. It's very barebones