Us of a

>us of a
>first world

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I thought the average Russian man died at 65.

That can't be true.

fake data

We don't have a higher life expectancy than LEUA

We should deport all blacks. That homicide rate would halve.

>school shooters

Attached: average American.webm (512x640, 2.79M)

That makes up barely any of our crime. More mass shooters are black anyway.

Attached: EFaVbpAXUAA1zBk.jpg (1050x1047, 305.06K)

this. Colombia has a higher life expectancy than Argentina according to the last Human Development Report.

nice try incel

Ok keep importing blacks for no reason, sure it'll work out for you.

>we should deport males
>the homicide rate would be 95% less

I don't believe for one second shitholes like syria libya iran iraq afghanistan pakistan have lower homicide rates than the US

now, countries richer than a single us state (California)

extraordinarily low quality bait
here's a pity reply

USA is technically the only first world country according to Mao's thesis since the Soviet Union is gone, China might be a contender for the social imperialist power though

war casualties and terrorism doesnt count

>We should deport everyone except my tiny ethnic group

The fat doesn't stop eating even after getting hit kek.

Fat people are truly subhumans

Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with Americans?

Attached: ....png (206x245, 6.32K)

wars don't count as homicides

They're scared of change and they'll attack anything different from what they usually do. They have alot of weak politician and mayor since they fear to accidently do socialism. They let walmart buy a huge chunk of land and kill off local markets. Small but cute cities near the frontier are now parking lot. People who owned bussiness are now manager at costco. I can understand the appeal of bernie in vermont. Back then the guy only talked about urbanism planning and city management. If your mayor is trying to do the short term buck, it will prevent the resident to do their longterm bussiness.

Why all these words? Poverty increase crime rate. In criminology, if they have easy access to weapon that kills faster, it will only make things worst. If you want to avoid a large chunk of the population using their gun, you need a country that offer physical and mental healthcare to his population through their taxes and/or better urban planning.

Also, do something about amazon.

love u, some dude who don't live that far away.

>Tiny ethnic group
>70% of the population

Fake news.
It's still fucked compared to Europe but this is fake data.

I'll probably die tomorrow.

we have a higher life expectancy than Argentina tho

Thank us later for that, CongolombiANO.

Attached: googledoodles-1.png.jpg (600x800, 32.76K)

Look at this, Argentina being the shithole it is, they still are #2 in almost every LatAm chart only behind us.

panamanians and puerto ricans are richer than you


are they?

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American Boomers are not Panamanians. GDP per capita it's not an useful statistic for Panamá because of the distortion caused by all the americans that go to Panama after retiring.