Processed food should unironically be illegal, I will never able to stop eating this shit if it isn't forcefully taken away from me.
Processed food should unironically be illegal...
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I weigh over 200kg, please help
Are you serious?
Post a pic.
just eat less and move more
just eat less you fucking retard jesus christ get some self control fuck you
Stop buying it
Have you read the sticky?
What do people mean by “processed food”? Like frozen pizzas?
watch your serving sizes and move more, you'd be surprised how much even minimal shit like walking for 10 minutes can do for your body
like nigga stop eating. It's not that hard.
>muh self control
This is the biggest meme every, obesity became a problem around the globe at the same time around 1970s-1980s are you telling me that for all of humanity had self control until 40 years ago when they suddenly didn't, makes no sense.
Don't buy it, just fill your kitchen with healthy food
>pick berries
>cant eat because they're processed off the plant
food scientists are as bad as people who process meth or cocaine desu, they should receive the same amount of police repression
Go to fat camp or something
this is you
this is me
the next time you say HMMMM i'm gonna gorge myself on 9k calories of food, JUST DON'T
>just stop lusting after sex, just stop being thirsty, just stop being sleepy
It's impossible, it's literally hard wired in my genetics to seek food that are high in calories, it's the way my ancestors survived. And the (((food scientists))) are taking advantage of this, they need to be shot.
Ganz uniron, ich will diesen kleinen ‚Zusatz‚bauch abschaffen, vielleicht ab heute nutze ich deinen Rat. Vor allem treffen mich NACHTS solche Verlangen/Heißhunger. Danke
>it's the way my ancestors survived
Pathetic reasoning but I understand.
Your bodys internal mechanism doesn't realize it is living in the modern world, it still thinks we are hunter gatherer fighting everyday to survive. The fact that you're able to resist being able to eat processed food shows that you're abnormal and genetic dead end because if you were living in pre historic times and you didn't eat gobble up anything you saw you'd be dead before you know it, meanwhile if I were living in pre historic times I'd eat anything I saw meaning I'd be prepped for survival. Why do you think majority of people are overweight? It's because majority of people have genes that forces them to eat anything that they get their hands on, for survival.
This shows that I am superior to you.
I feel you bro sometimes i eat lunch and half an hour later i'm eating again some shit
Wait a minute
I think it's pretty ironic for an American to be telling literally anyone this, but fucking educate yourself dipshit. The struggle with the four carnal desires (food, wine, sex, and sleep) and how to get the common man to overcome it has been the central debate of every philosophical and religious tradition - both Western and Eastern - for literally all of recorded history.
No one suddenly just lost self-control in the 1970's. We've always been slaves to our base desires, and we have always been struggling with overcoming them. The only difference is that now, most of the world has access to an over abundance of food. That's relatively new thing, coinciding exactly with about the 1970's and 1980's and American economic globalism.
Just taper idiot
>pathetic fat fuck
>posts wojaks
Checks out.
why are you bringing up philosophy when what I'm talking has nothing, and I mean absolute nothing to do with philosophy at all. philosophy is probably the biggest meme and the most useless thing people waste their time on. what I am talking about is biochemical issue where in my brain has created a feedback loop using neurotransmitters which makes me continuously consume calorie dense processed food. no amount of "philosophy" will fix this.
coping, and actively dilating your body every single day
>shows that you're abnormal and genetic dead end
I don't think the Finn is actually fat. He's just larping while baiting us with fat logic
>no argument
What I said is true and you can't deny it, it's quite literally the reason why majority of people are overweight today, it's because they genes geared towards survival. There's a reason majority of thin people are asexual freaks with zero hormones flowing through their body. you are abnormal, just accept it.
>no argument