Do you think USA will balkanize peacefully or with a war?

It'll happen in our lifetime, hopefully they won't bring everyone else into it.

Attached: 0223-california.jpg (1164x722, 113.86K)

New England should be independent. It keeps the US constitution but becomes part of the commonwealth.

Hopefully no war.
I know they are racist towards us and destroyed my life, but I won't stoop to their level.

I like Lebanon and Lebanese people

Why though?

The independent New England would be richer than the Old England.

>hopefully they won't bring everyone else into it

Other countries would get involved by choice. You don't think China and other world superpowers would try to influence how things shaped up?

>It'll happen in our lifetime
It wont. Millions will die due to corona but sharters dont care about the loss of human life because the government will tell them its ok

So, we can assume that there will be
>something somwthing cascadia
>something something south
>new england
What are some other possible states?

That's why I said hopefully.

I would have no problems with the Nordic-socialist states of Oregon, Washington, California, New York and Massachussets.

But I can't see them breaking out without a war so whatever.

New Mexico
The Great Lakes

We can't let California out of the union. The grow out food and have a lot of our military bases. I hate them but we need them.


Well boo-hoo flyover! Maybe it's time to cut the umbilical cord and grow up.

Why the fuck would you want the US to balkanize? Just because some slanted-eyed bastards ate undercooked bats and coofed on people, seriously? Globalization should be only between USA, Europe (+Russia), Japan and South Korea. Cut ties with China. EZ

Fuck off yuropoor. California is a wellfare state and it takes more money than it gives to the feds.

Ok, so it'd not a problem to let them go.

It'd be a blessing for everyone. :)

Utah would be neutral in case of a civil war or independent in a case of complete collapse.

they love war so take a guess

Why not though?

The people in the coastal cities are so different than than the Neanderthals in the flyover states.

The country stays rich if we stay together, so I don't know why anyone would want to leave.

>Cut ties with China
He think it's easy...

From an article in 2019
China is not only the largest single-country car market in the world but disproportionally important to German premium car brands. China accounts for 50% of Volkswagen’s worldwide sales, 37% for Audi, and 30% for BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Porsche.

>It'll happen in our lifetime
Nah, it'll take at least 90 years.

The more time goes by, the more likely it seems they break up. I still don't believe it, but they seem to be very divided and it's reaching a critical level if you ask me. I'm not sure what exactly will happen, let alone when, but I wouldn't be too surprised if something big happened over there that totally changes the USA.

The races could finally separate entirely

>He think it's easy...
Well, I wish it was. As long as consoomer culture is prevalent the west will probably not sanction China for this disaster.

>It'll happen in our lifetime

>for this disaster.

>mexico gets back their states
>natives take back most of the remaining land
>a few cracker reservations for amerikkkans to live on

That would just be twice as disgusting.

>natives take back their land
It’d be worse than third world. There’s a reason why they have to lock up perfumes and mouthwash in supermarkets on the reservations. Fucking grim.

You're confusing California for the South

Honestly I can see a slow dissolving of the US in this decade like what happened to the Soviet Union in the 80's and 90's, state level bureaucrats just choosing to go their own way and rob the people of any social standing or provision they do have. Fucking horrible but I don't see full scale civil war here like in Syria. Joe Biden is a Konstantin Chernenko if I've ever seen one

We weren't the ones who stacked cages with exotic animals and livestock on top of each other and eat undercooked rats and bats. The west did goofed very badly but the Chinks oppressed whistleblowers and did nothing to cooperate with us (until it was too late and sent faulty equipment and medical staff just when the pandemic was in full effect).

California would completely open their borders and hopefully it would die after a while.

> mexico gets back their states
Simply not possible, Texas alone would kick their shit.

that's a myth. the south has 40% of America's gdp while commiefornia has 15%.