/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico

Master of disguise edition
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I'm just joshing, sashy. Calm your tits.

hilo idolatra

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im not joshing, I wanna have sex with Jason.

nth for funocide

jason is dead

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>tfw no qt lightskin frizzy hair gf

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My second gf was one.

Sashy gave me a confidence boost. Gonna eat more chicken and lift the weights.

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Why didn't it work out?

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We grew apart after about a year together. We were just interested in different things. Not a long romance.

早上好 /cum/
午安 to /cum/ that's living in the non white part of the country

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This ching Chong language is the about to be the lingua franca in the next 5 years

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Guys... I don't like my job anymore.

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I like how we still use the term "Lingua Franca" to denote a universal language even though it literally means "Frankish language/ tongue".

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i have been going outside literally every day, i've still been working and doing all the things i normally do
this shit is fake and gay af

Hahaha how based is it when your mere existence makes shitskin pipo tremble in fear? fragile little cunts aren't they lol

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Dommage que la plus belle langue ne soit plus la lingua franca du monde.

Are you guys going to vote Biden?


done with the shower
this is the part where i would use mg epilator but /cum/ wont buy me one :|

Fuck off and go beg on discord or some shit

Pitbulls should unironically all be euthanized.

Yeah I can't read subhuman speak

I had one AMA


projection & cope
telegram user spotted btw

I have nothing to ask. Just jealous.

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t. Seething shitskin

you have to be pretty to get simps


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i think i should get investor simps
like give me money so i can get my ffs and my boobs and then youll get the woman you are supposed to simp

No. IMO Biden being elected would slow progress compared to 4 more years of Trump and an open race in 2024.

there goes ale, biting the hand that fed him just the other day. smdh desu senpai

I won't be voting for president.

ale doesn't want simps. He has a humiliation fetish.

Thinking about getting animal crossing but it looks dangerously pozzed

Hey alexis shut the fuck up for the next 4 hours or I'll post your face
simple deal, I'm being generous
you can reply to this post with "ok" "fine" or any other affirmation