Is this true?
Is this true?
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Travellers are based though.
Wrong board but accurate.
It's only natural you rid society of parasitic races, the fact that we haven't yet is a sign of degeneration on our will to live.
In my experience it's true. Also Germans talking about Turks.
Definetely. I have relatives in Eastern Slovakia who bitch about gypsies nonstop. It's hilarious.
Even Reddit is racist against gypsies they truly must be awful people
Because the gypsies are closer to “whites” than the mystery meat of America therefore don’t feel the guilt or need to defend them for brownie points
yes, extremly true. i wonder what would happen to gypsies in america. they would get shot en masse
gypsies are subhumans tho
t leftie
Don't lie to yourself faggot, you will do nothing in the event of gypsies taking over large areas because as a leftoid you don't see race. You and your likeminded folk are completely WORTHLESS when faced with racial realities.
Shut up Bora!
Yes. They are trash.
This is also white French people with Algerians in my experience. I mean Pakis are hated here, but it's not common to hear young people openly talking about hating them or using the word Paki (unless you're in one of those 50/50 racially tense towns in the norf where all the white people are, with good reason, openly racist towards them). But all the young white French people i've met irl seem to jump at the chance to tell you how much they hate Algerians, something about them ruining Bastille day etc etc. Kind of based to be honest.
nice strawman, faggot
People hate gypsies here too, it seems they are universally hated
They drunk drive, ignore red lights and speed limits, piss on the street, etc.
The ones where I live also seem to be involved in shady car dealing or something like that
gypsies are trash though
they steal and destroy any neighbourhood they reside in
It's the truth, only the extreme right sees racial realities.
shut up faggot
Gay lefty Bavaryan here. I hate and abhor racism, and I will NOT tolerate it.
Unless it's leveled against muslims or gypsies, or course.
Isn’t it true that a huge percentage of Pakis in the UK are extremely inbred? That might be part of the problem.
Your shitty leftoid opinions are the same as everywhere else in Cuckropa. No leftist party in Europe sees race as a factor. If you think otherwise, deviating from your party, you are in the minority.
What's Bora opinion on the matter?
Gypsies are the only way you can make a spanish leftie shut up
>Isn’t it true that a huge percentage of Pakis in the UK are extremely inbred?
That's just a sign of successful integration.
>Soviet union
You mean the same people who saw no need of race and ignored russification, and thus failing to keep together their "union". Oh yes
uh yeah.
they're the only ethnic group that live outside the margin of society in tent camps. smell and look foul and have a pack mentality, try to cheat you in every way possible and only engage in fights 10 to 1.
>No leftist party in Europe sees race as a factor.
Yes, not even most of the multi-cultural freaks defend them here.
and? last elections i annulled my vote btw
their union failed because of liberalisation
americans prevented us from killing them all
>This is also white French people with Algerians in my experience
So why can't they vote to keep the Algerians out of France?
>why the mouse doesn't kill the cat
Europeans about any video on racism in America be like bro haha you care too much about skin color bro just don't see colors bro
>No leftist party in Europe sees race as a factor.
Almost no right party either
In Germany, while I did my master's, I used the word "zigeuner" once and the whole class was shocked and told me it's "insensitive" and the teacher said I should use "Roma" instead.
Absolutely fucking retarded.
Eurogays are cringe
It failed for many reasons, liberlisation (actually self-derermination which fits my racial argument), economical reasons etc. Ultimately SU was too lenient on minorities instead of going big cock Imperial Russia and making them all slavified.
The gypsy problem is a problem of culture and socialization. In Norway we managed to completely eradicate our native gypsies by kidnapping their children and adopting them into Norwegian families.
>kidnapping their children and adopting them into Norwegian families.
Imagine the smell.
False, all non-boomer right parties sees race.
When even my most obnoxious, bleeding heart shitlib friends wouldn't want a gypsy as their neighbor, you know they're shit.
We didn't import travellers, force them into slavery then segregate them for centuries.
They did that to themself voluntarily.
So that's why you're browner than the rest of the scandis
Dude I hate algerians so fucking much. Algerians from Algeria are cool but the ones in France... Jesus
Litteraly nobody defends that
>Inb4 lepen
The fat lepen is a joke, she is just in for public money, she would probably taunt the monkeys to make her electorate like her more which would only lead to more chaos because she would never enforce actual laws against them
Yeah, statistically around 70% them marry their first cousins. It's actually a big problem for our health service in Paki areas because their kids have all sorts of horrific birth defects.
I've used that word x1000 times in Germany and no one said anything.
Our gypsies/travellers were pretty fairskinned to begin with since they had been interbreeding with northern European criminals, mercenaries and prostitutes for centuries.
Pretty much.
Yup. I don't get it really. Sure, gypos are filthy and annoying, but not really dangerous. Even with knives, they can't fight for shit. They don't have the money to buy guns so they rarely rob stores. They are usually in for picking pockets and other shit.
None of the ones in Sweden do
>They don't have the money to buy guns so they rarely rob stores.
In America you bet they would
>Litteraly nobody defends that
What do you mean?
It's an impossible problem to solve problem in an era of human rights and civic nationalism. Sure, they could vote in FN or some party promising to curb immigration, but it isn't going to do anything about the racailles already there with full French citizenship.
Pretty much but anyone who knows about gypsies knows they're probably the shittiest ethnic/cultural group.
>noooo! not my heckin araberinos! not the doopin good boy africans!
>oh fuck those gypsies though
hilariously sad.
Again, false. NMR,AFS both aee race.
>Travellers are based though.
Yeah, no
No presidential candidates claims to want algerians out
What do you think some of America's racism is based upon, a sense of smell or observation based upon facts?
This, I feel bad, reputation of France is declining faster and faster as we send monkeys on all the corners of the globe
I think it's because not all blacks or arabs behave badly or are criminals , some are very educated and have proper manners. Gypsies however are all trash , their whole culture is based on being a subhuman
gypsies came to this country and got jobs and bought houses/ apartments.
What barriers prevent them from doing this in their homeland of europe?
gypsies aren't even human though
even though immigrants are disproportionately represented in crime and shit at least some do right for themselves
fuck gypsies they should all be burned
Well to be fair, there are at least good Arabs around. There's no such thing as a good Gypsy, if they are raised in Gypsy culture they are hardwired for crime and delinquency.
You are the most jewed country in the world , why not concentrate your racism on the ZOG that keeps fucking you in the ass?
They don't have citizenship, speak their own langage and don't work.
>What barriers prevent them from doing this in their homeland of europe?
Gypsies come from northern india
some gipsies are based here
110% true and that's a good thing.
European discrimination. Meanwhile, negroes are given clemency a million times over and are still the biggest subhuman violent savages on earth.