Chinese people accuse whites of being racist over le wuhan flu

>chinese people accuse whites of being racist over le wuhan flu
>meanwhile chinese people themselves are acting incredibly racist towards africans
why are the chinese so hypocritical?

Attached: chinese.png (857x871, 860.66K)

chinese domestic consumption is 10th, they desperately need to be in good terms with white importing nations unlike us

They chinese are criticising racism against all people. I don't see any hypocrisy.

Don’t expect mainland Chinese to have any consistent morals other than self interest

Tell me is it true that Sudanese have extremely receded hairlines?

And yes I know America has a problem with this too, but it’s nowhere near as bad as China.

Attached: mfw niggers near me.png (316x328, 9.01K)

its true, there's a male psychological crisis over jala7at or receding hairlines in the twenties, men have to accept baldness

Have you ever met mainland chinks? They think they are superior to everyone else.

the chinese guy on the right is good looking

*guangzhoushits are hypocritical

get a chinese bf already

>Went outside
>Saw a brown "person"
>MFW Day ruined.

no chinese people here and i'm not gay

The question is. Why tf are there Africans in China. How tf did they end up there

thats the typical third world/third gen diaspora mentality. none of them can disengage themselves from the shit loop.

generated at the same lab as wuhan-virus

Chinese are the most racist and nationalistic people on Earth it's kind of funny to see them cry white racism when we let them come into our country treat them like equals and give them equal opportunity even though they lock up canadian reporters for no reason, think white people are minstrel shows, don't give white people equal opportunity and were gravely offended bruce lee got beat up in a movie pulling out the minority discrimination card, oh no a white monkey fought a kung fu guy and won, oh no a white monkey is fucking a chinese girl disowned. they are a step away from stringing up whites from dating Chinese girls but they have the audacity to complain about whites who give them equal opportunity. Typical entitled sinoid behaviour. I mean china is a million times better than Canada according to nationalists but they don't stop coming here.

As China is getting richer and richer, there's less people working slave wages in sweatshops. They're importing Africans to do slave labour to replace the people moving into middle class.

>mainland Chinese are rascist as fuck and think they're superior because their state propaganda told them so
>americans are rascist as fuck and think they're superior because their tinfoil commando told them so

Why is everyone telling me to pick a side? They're the same soulless bug people.

nah those are businessmen

okay africans aside, there are 55+ native chinese minortiies, do any of them experience burakumin tier oppression? There seems to be this Han billigerence

Chinese are elitist, for them it's all about class and prestige and they see Africans as inferior.

>>americans are rascist as fuck

Attached: diversity.png (420x474, 15.11K)

"Native Chinese minorities" are kinda a meme. I know a lot of Chinese people, and I can't, and even they can't, tell each other apart unless they start speaking Chinese. Then they can recognize each other's regional dialects. I don't know about Africa much either, but I suppose it's the same thing as "tribes". You're all black, but under a different tribal banner. I wonder if comparing people from different states is a better comparison.

I can guarantee you this survey was done in some blue commie state.

My favorite part is how China's trying to do the "the foreigners totally brought the virus in!" thing, when no foreigner can get into the country since the end of March because they've banned entry of foreign citizens into the country.

>Pew research centre

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Always proud of my cunt

I also observe this among the chinese here a lot of them seem to think that the indigenous are below them and hate to racemix

When you consider 44% of people voting for "more diversity" are people from an ethnic minority background, it makes a lot more sense.

Incredibly and it comes from the top. Next question.