None of you will ever undestand the pain of being brazilian, being born in brazil...

None of you will ever undestand the pain of being brazilian, being born in brazil, you have no right to complain about anything in life since you were lucky enough not be born on this god forsaken reggaeton shithole, this has to be the worst place on the planet. Fuck you.

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why did ur ancestors emigrate to brazil then?

haha loser

r u pardo

shut up mankey

Really, Brazil sucks.

Yes we have no right to complain since we don't really have anything to fight for. That is why I hate this shithole so goddamn much.

probably fleeing from wars (like mine)

oi gatinha, oq fazendo nesse lugar? rsrsrs

Move to Massachusetts and be my husband (no homo)

Should i move to South Brazil? This country is going to the shitter and i want a way out.

Russia is like Brazil but with shitty, cold climate. I won.

>i suffer in brazil


why not

>Russia is like Brazil but with good climate

Imagine your live but 30° colder.

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At least you got a 4skin and aren't controlled by a religious cult.
Besides your women are hot and have big bunda

because it's bad

You know what? You're absolutely right.

so 0º degrees celsius on a normal day? sounds very comfy

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Explain why is it worse than a country with the most coronavirus cases and deaths per capita, with a government with no funds and close to bankrupcy, and an economy expected to shrink 5-6% this year.

I've got 4skin but lost all sensitive there anyway, and all brazilian woman are disgusting unless they look european

You have plenty of European, Brazilians are white.



I was born and raised in Venezuela

wondering how to escape and where to go.

learn french and come to Québec

yes, please come to Brasil
we have beautiful woman and sexy man

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At least you know English and can go on Yas Forums.

et si je parle francais déjà? peux-je y aller?
thanks :)