White children look innocent, adorable and beautiful, with blonde hair, colorful eyes and a big smile on their face...

White children look innocent, adorable and beautiful, with blonde hair, colorful eyes and a big smile on their face. Brown children look malicious, like rapists and drug addicts in withdrawal. And even fresh out of the womb at a very young age. They look like something a parent could never love, and the evil look in their eyes confirms that is usually the case.

Attached: evil in his eyes.jpg (602x680, 196.15K)

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I looked cute as a baby

It's true
Brownoids should be aborted after birth

Only whites and asians understand moral code

that's true
> Brown children look malicious
Because they are

I often fantasise about a world without niggers and brown cockroaches
If I could come back as the creator I would remove them

Me as a baby, thoughts?

Attached: luisito1.jpg (765x861, 128.75K)

i can't argue with that, I once were at the barber shop, there was a dad with two sons, one was white with blue eyes and brown/blond hair, the other was brown (you may be surprised but this is common here due to 3000 years of race mixing, most families have different looking kids)
Anyway the white kid was calm and well behaved while the brown one was like a Godzilla
I don know why.

Attached: image.jpg (535x525, 63.6K)

He looks a gypsy so he's even worst

doubt it

the weak should fear the strong

Dude my brother is the blue eyed pale and i am the brown big nose goblino but i'd say i definitely turned out better

fuck off adolf

Well my theory is that the white kid got more attention, thus turned out emotionally fine, while the Browns got neglected and saw how his brother was being treated so he started messing up to get attention.

Yeah my brother definitely got more attention not in family cause i was younger but he was popular with his peers. I did have a bad phase but it ended shortly, can't say the same for my brother

do i look evil? :(

Attached: tree.png (3916x1830, 1.06M)

Most likely all that pampering got to his head, seen it happen multiple times.

Here’s my brother you would be good friends maybe

Attached: 17D2A32E-1258-4AEF-AFAF-81401B01C937.jpg (1200x1600, 178.25K)

i'm evil

Attached: IMG_20200423_191207~2.jpg (622x810, 51.2K)

your sister is hot

100% pedro

but she's underage

that pic looks 90s/early 2000s so his sister is def not underage

>Innocent, adorable and beautiful, with blonde hair, colorful eyes and a big smile on their face
while they butcher you like a true viking

A swarthoid stole my yugioh cards

Replace colourful eyes with just brown and blonde hair with brown hair. Blue eyed people have no souls and blonde hair is feminine. White skin is the still the best skin.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15.33K)

google something like XIX century street/worker children

Native American children look adorable

Attached: 486748.jpg (866x1300, 173.74K)

