Do modern day "pagans" actually believe in their "gods" or is it all make believe...

Do modern day "pagans" actually believe in their "gods" or is it all make believe? What's the point of these demonstrations?

Attached: neo-paganism.jpg (1000x584, 132.84K)

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we just think christians are gay and like to make fun of them and expose them for the hypocrits they are

Me like this stones

it's mostly a LARP based on tabletop RPG lore
pagans left no text as to their beliefs and rituals and what we do know is mostly conjecture based on texts written by their Southern enemies

>we just think christians are gay and like to make fun of them and expose them for the hypocrits they are

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larping and having fun

>he doesn't perform livations in ancient sacred places

мнe тoжe нpaвитcя эти кaмни

>He thinks modern day "Christianity" is oppressive in any way, shape, or form.

Try doing one of these pagan celebrations anywhere in the Muslim world.

we still know some traditions that were kept in my region, like grabbing some soil, kissing it and throwing it when you pass next to a tumulus

quiet skitskin

They are the same fedoras

i said it was gay, not oppressive

Yes me worship this tree and this rock grug like strong stone

All paganiggers are LARPfags and a a fifth column, they are enemies of western culture and civilization

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shhh no back talk swede faggot
I'd kill you with my bare hands

I was talking about northerner barbarians who didn't have writing not about Iberian traditions
and most of those just became Christian traditions, just with the gods swapped out for the Holy Trinity and the Saints

i'd like to see you try

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oh look, a faggot in a dress!

Replace 'pagan' with 'Christian' and the question remains just as valid.

t. masturbator

Sigh there's almost zero pressure to be a "cultural Christian" anymore. This might come as a surprise to you but most people today who identify as Christian or attend church actually have faith on some level.

Only people I've ever met who are unironically pagans are white Americans who constantly go on about "muh ancestors" like nixxiom. It's LARP bullshit

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Not really. Christianity is such a widespread, impactful religion that it undoubtedly has genuine believers and has had so for two thousand years, whereas neo-paganism is mostly a LARP.

Christcucks don't even do weighted neck curls

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>most people today who identify as Christian or attend church actually have brain damage* on some level.

>Americans talking about "muh ancestors"

So Cherokee and Irish?

Why are western people are so ill-mannered and unfilial. They are treating their ancestors (pagans) as if they were not human.

If being "brain damaged" is the opposite of this then count me in.

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>most people today who identify as Christian or attend church actually have faith on some level.
And for that, they are stupid.

at least their faith is genuine though and theyre not in it for the image.


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Why can’t both be genuine?

Same applies to them. Nothing more cringe than hearing someone say "I'm 12% x and 30% y"

Because it's usually a case of people clinging to some obscure shit for "muh ancestors". When you go out of your way to look for something that's been long dead, attempt to reconstruct it and even practise it in lieu of, say, Christianity, it's just an elaborate LARP.

That sounds exactly like Christianity to me, though. I have a troublesome time believing anyone in 2020 can have true faith in it, considering it’s been disproven countless times.

You'd have a point if you lived anywhere but the USA, your country is an evangelist theocracy

Paganism in the US and in Europe are different. For the most part Americans trying to identify with their ancestry just dont get it

>It's not [spiritual tradition upheld by 2 billion people that's been around for two thousand years], it's [obscure dead pagan bullshit that conveniently correlates with my geographical area and gives me a sense of cultural identity]
Even if we agreed that both of the aforementioned are silly, that would just further discredit the LARPers
>I have no reason not to believe that Jesus rose from the dead, so I'll believe that Thor brings down lightning with his hammer instead

There's a large number of Christians who are "cultural" Christians. They sin constantly, and maybe think about Jesus once a year, if at that. They rarely if ever open a Bible.

Also, there are plenty of religions older than Christianity. Age doesnt mean anything

And, it's silly to think Jesus actually rose from the dead, turned water to wine, etc. It's myths, lad.

Damn! Christian anti-pagans look like THIS?

Attached: 19733108--young-man-holding-bible-.jpg (622x900, 62.69K)

I'm a Kemetic.

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