What constitutes western civilization? Here are a few criteria:

What constitutes western civilization? Here are a few criteria:

>Part of the Roman Empire
>Part of western Christianity
>West of the Hajnal line
>Influenced by the so-called Carolingian Renaissance
>An Indo-European language
>Part of the Western Bloc during the Cold War
>Use of the Latin alphabet

This would solidly place France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria, the low countries, and Britain into what is "the west" - I don't think anyone could dispute this.

However, I would also consider Ireland and the Scandinavian countries to be western as well, despite not fitting all of this criteria. Perhaps even Czechia, due to its place as part of the HRE, as well as remaining Catholic up to this date.

Countries that I don't consider being part of the west, despite fitting some of the criteria as well, would be Finland, the Baltic countries, and Greece. Greece is a tricky one, because it's nearly always considered as a part of Western Civilization. However, to me it is not included purely because it seems to be in a very different sphere than the west: the entire concept of western civilization sprung up partially due to the differences between the Hellenic East and the Latin West.

So what do you think, Yas Forums? What constitutes the West? Is Greece part of Western Civilization? I asked this question on /his/ as well, but I'm curious about what you all would answer to this question.

Attached: Hajnal_line.jpg (1200x1000, 85.32K)

I think that it is a silly and virginous topic to even think about

>>An Indo-European language
No throat cancer






America needs to be included, it embodies the very definition of western civilization.

at some point you have to stop calling it "western" i would call it more multinational

>screeching a set of words over and over
>warning others about autism
Please kill yourself.

If Bong colonies count why not Spain and Portugal as well? Unless by America you mean the continents and not just the US?

>western Christianity
Why must it be western though?

Of course the United States (and Canada) would be included.
Portugal is included in my definition as well, I'm just I retard who forgot to add it.
Because western Christianity is its own distinct cultural and intellectual sphere.

No you kill yourself, American. You know nothing about Europe. You've never even been here.

Still can't provide a coherent argument. Maybe try dilating.

Stay mad, civilization freeloaders

He's talking about the Iberian colonies.
They're western to me except cases like Guatemala or Bolivia

I feel that the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the Americas have diverged sufficiently enough to no longer be included as "Western Civilization", or at least not Western European Civilization.

>Europe is a block

Protype, Norway has more in common with the USA than with some shitholes in Eastern Europe like Hungary and Bulgaria;

>western Christianity is its own distinct cultural and intellectual sphere.
If by western Christianity you include Catholicism and Protestantism then that statement is just wrong.

>Part of the Roman Empire
>Part of western Christianity
>West of the Hajnal line
We're north of the line
>Influenced by the so-called Carolingian Renaissance
not that I know of
>An Indo-European language
English is huge here.
>Part of the Western Bloc during the Cold War
nope but weren't East block either
>Use of the Latin alphabet


Is it though? I'm not saying they're completely different religions. But to deny that western Christianity (Catholicism + Protestantism) isn't distinct culturally and intellectually from eastern Christianity seems extremely illogical.

They haven't really diverged from the Latin culture, the shock you might get from Latin American immigrants is not West-nonWest shock, it's anglo-med shock.

Catholicism has more in common with Orthodoxy than it does with Protestantism


>"western civilization"

It´s a storytelling device,
which people who thirst for any form of identity larp on.

But it´s a good filter to see if someone is talking shit.
it´s for people who think hi-story is a story with them as protagonist but would chimp out if they saw Plato at the airport.

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Does it? Like what?
I assume that Protestantism does, due to the fact that it branched off from Catholicism quite a while after the east-west schism.

The thing is, both Catholicism and Orthodoxy are sibling religions.
Protestantism is an offshoot of Catholicism.

Who gives a fuck which what you consider east or west?

Who do you think you are to talk about this topic, retarded shiterikan?

>Countries that I don't consider being part of the west

Literally nobody cares.
The center-south of Amerikkka is basically niggra-mexican

Scotland wasn't part of the Roman Empire.

Roman Empire was more Germanic than Scotland

Shut up fat

'Western civilization' is old and busted. 'Northern civilization' is the new hotness!

Their only major differences is their leadership, their rites and some theological details no one really cares about.
Meanwhile Protestantism is pretty much one giant middle finger on the very foundations of Catholicism.