English is unironically the superior language

English is unironically the superior language.

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She told him only that she loved him.

She only told him that she loved him

She told him that she loved him.

This works with nearly every language on earth, it's not uniquely English.

she told him that she loved him. only

she told that she loved only

Imagine unironically not speaking English in the modern world. You'd miss out on so much. It'd be like going through life with one eye closed. Grim existence, desu.

>she told that she loved only
black dicks

Only she told him that she loved him

i do not understand

Only she only told only him only that only she only loved only him only only

>She told him that she loved only him.

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When it's Chad
>She told him that she loves only him
When it's incel simp
>She told him that only she loves him

Only she only told only him only that only she only loved him only

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Only she only told only him only that only she only loved only him only.

>Only only only only only she only only only told only him that only she only only only only loved only only only him only only

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>No matter where you put the "only", the sentence is still false

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Amazing that you can put the word ‘only’ literally anywhere in that sentence and it still works. The dynamism and flexibility of English is truly amazing. How can other languages even compete?

Very good

I don't get it, even this works in my language in similar way

Do you know how to read? This is a serious question.

The anglo, for the most part, does not speak a second language and thus is happily convinced that English is unique in this regard. Ignorance is a bliss and all.

I was once unironically asked by a 18-20 year old zoomer from burgerland if there are puns in Russian language.

Only she only told only him only that only she only love only him only

>I was once unironically asked by a 18-20 year old zoomer from burgerland if there are puns in Russian language.
What the fuck

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Valid question, humour doesn't translate, he maybe didn't know that puns are universal, foreigners wouldn't get the two ronnies mostly

"Sbeve" reddit thread?

Works in Russian too.
Now, how many valid sentences can you make in English by permuting the order of those words?

Valid for someone as detached from reality as some Americans/anglo are - sure, but that does not make it any less embarrassing and short-sighted. And how is some kind of obscure inside joke related to the abstract concept of puns? Overall, terrible post.

she told him that she loved him only.

Still makes sense

Well with how miserable you lot are asking about humour like that is valid

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