Did you do your lessons today?

Did you do your lessons today?

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no i switched to something else

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to what?

No i ditched it altogether im sick and tired of studying kraut language.

i am poor
live in the middle of nowhere
i will never be able to use it

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what language are you learning?
you can use the language online

yessir 60xp already

I haven't done a single lesson for 4 months now

Its not that bad i just lost interest in whatever there was left for me to learn, it still doesn't hinder me to get those sweet kraut bux though, germoids pay very well.

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>forgot my bokmål lesson
>look at phone
>rushed through it, finished it at 23:59 saving my streak
too fucking close

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>germoids pay very well.
they do
this is my plan also :)

what are you talking about? Do you work for a German company or somehow receive German welfare or what?

change timezone in your phone

I didn't even consider that in a panic

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hvorfor lære bokmål? jobbe i norge?
>had a 70 day streak
>forgot it for two days
>completely lost all motivation

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this VIRGIN cheats on ANGRY BIRDS and ANIMAL Crossing

I've lost motivation after I lost my 400+ days streak on portuguese, haven't touched duolingo since then

The plan comes together.
Lets just say that im joggling with as many oranges as i possibly can right now.
Might hop over at some point but i doubt it, i don't like Germany for the most part, gets pretty boring after 2-3 weeks.

you seem like a cunt

I’m too lazy

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Jeg vil arbeide i Norge etter universitet

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I do it once every couple of months and then lose motivation again.

no u

You're a cunt, i jsut come over to a party or 2 and then find myself in this grimy shithole full off awkward people i don't know how my brother manages to live there i just have no idea but i can't do it, germoids piss me off but money is money and its close to the Netherlands where people are actually very much normal.

What are you learning Japanese?

Why? You want a girlfriend?

germoids autistic freakoids
dutch are normals (based despite what Yas Forums consensus is on normals)
brits are mentally ill
belgians are cunts
and french have hot women that need to be bred

No because I'm tired of your shit Duo

>Aah... 11:53, time to begin my Duo lessons

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brits are alright for the most part, idk about belgians and frenchz

yh i never said they aint cool
just mentally ill

my town 80% eastern euro including bulgarians so i am safe from the mental problems mostly

if you're at C1 there's no point in 'studying', just use the language: read books, watch movies or whatever

Old English

how do you check this C1 thing? where is this test? on duolingo?

no, i got bored and stopped completely about a week ago

>having to learn English


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>do a lesson or two
>get bored, watch youtube and browse Yas Forums for half an hour
Do they really??? O.o

who said he's learning English on Duolingo? Most people become fluent in English during high school

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Each level is supposed to be a set of skills, and there's official tests and sheit.
IMO there's a bit of benefit in traditional study from A1 til B2, but afterwards it's mostly about actually using native materials a lot.

probably gypsies picking berries and shit or some village rednecks.

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nah man, there are a few bulgarian gypsies obviously but my bulgarian gs know who they are and tell me

im turk myself so i share a lot in common with the bulgars, but yh its a poor town so its obviously not going to be ppl from rich areas


>And where is the husband?
>I do not have a husband
>I have a wife and she is not easy

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I realised that if I don't do any lessons at all, there's no risk of me getting demoted from the diamond league.