Explain yourselves!

explain yourselves!

Attached: pornhub-my-little-porny-country-mlp-searches.jpg (650x1138, 108.29K)

>implying you wouldn't fuck pinkie pie
Like what are you, gay?

your on the list too, you explain

They do crack while they watch it and it becomes a religious experience

Attached: 5F1A57AD-2753-48D0-B698-DB519C9A1E47.jpg (360x360, 21.66K)

Out of curiosity

Attached: 1559259612945.gif (350x464, 300.96K)


Russia - the gayest country in the entire world.

MLP probably means something in Russian

you have to be 18 years or older to post here

Are we really going to pretend watching MLP porn is worse than watching BLACKED?

Oh I didn’t know. My bad.

I grown up with MLP futa porn.

>usa: 22%
>sweden: 15%
>canada: 11%

it is, objectively

Based Russian brethren

Attached: ifDPSce.jpg (1209x914, 570.22K)

>Slavs being Slavs.
Now you know why we - the small group of Baltoids always crave independence and to be separate from them.



My wife is a mlp lover kek. She's obsessed with that crap.

>he wouldn't fuck the sun

Why are we on that cuck list?

Denmark is on the list too...

aww hell naw man. Do you want to summon Barneyfag?

jacking off to pony porn is not gay tho

Attached: 1584165887836.png (600x500, 270.7K)

It is and so are you.

monkey leader putin

Attached: 1587190280229.png (572x796, 342.06K)

Slit your throat

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x153, 28.24K)

Explain what? it's fake

thank you for the you my man

i'll be taking my vacation

based slavBVLLS

Attached: 1938285__suggestive_artist-colon-shinodage_cloudy+quartz_cookie+crumbles_cup+cake_mayor+mare_ms-dot-+harshwhinny_pear+butter_posey+shy_spoiled+rich_ste.png (2133x1280, 2.07M)

REMINDER pornhub is Jew owned and constantly makes up false statistics shilling fag shit on populations especially ones they perceive as conservative or white.

It is up to Russia and Rainbow Dash to rule this world.

Get hanged

Attached: 1373330483200.png (511x101, 23.13K)