No child is born a racis-

>no child is born a racis-

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You angry, jappy boy?

You angry, jappy boy?

You angry, jappy boy?


Attached: kot_asian_girl.jpg (811x608, 73.95K)

You angry,jappy boy?

Thats not racist

You nappy, angry boy?


Attached: asian-stylized.png (500x1521, 291.07K)

>Implying thats racist
Dumb zipperhead

You angry, jappy boy?

t. smelly white "people"
t. chinese slave
t. chinese

Why are Jap "people" such crybabies all the time are they mad because they are the most cucked people on the planet?

You put the quotations on the wrong word


You lacistㅠㅠ!! I hateu youㅠㅠ

You angry, jappy boy?

Attached: Tibbets-wave.jpg (1113x1376, 205.42K)

You racist, jappy boi.


My kids were born this way

Attached: sk33trgme0b01.jpg (570x406, 52.34K)

White people are superior
We cant deny that fact


"people" who smell are not people, they are animal

Ta gueule.

why blacks don't have hair?

You are so lucky because most Japs don't have eyes like that, only chinks and Koreans

ive seen japs do this too to other japs fuck off

just kick him in face lol
you weak loser
dont accept that and go like you dont care

je suis

What? Ching chong? Me super enraged on behalf of China? Me protecting muh China at all costs? You chink insect? Chink corona?

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chinkoid click click.

Attached: The last of Yang Jingyu.jpg (600x736, 79.09K)

These california 5 cent chinks are spreading coronavirus all over the US.
Be cautious of them.

Attached: we wuz Asian Auschwitz, MEI MEI CHUN MOY, CHRIS SUEN, KLYTIE XU, SALLY MA, Samantha Quach, Brenda Zhu, Jiyue Qiu, Hang Yu, Amber Li.jpg (2890x2020, 3.15M)

Is that deformed crippled chinko an outcome of Ishii's experimentation in the Unit 731 lab??

Attached: 1565610576311.png (398x376, 175.94K)

based japanese

>Why yes, I'm an outcome of Mad Doctor Ishii's experimentation in the 731 lab, how could you tell?

Attached: MEI MEI CHUN MOY, CHRIS SUEN, KLYTIE XU, SALLY MA, Samantha Quach, Brenda Zhu, Jiyue Qiu, Hang Yu, Amber Li (7).png (1060x710, 1.38M)

Damn, Ishii is so sinful, dude literally made all chinkoids look like deformed retards. lol