How is the polish diaspora in your country?

How is the polish diaspora in your country?

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racist-ass cracka

Serial killers and factory workers. They used to have some organised crime, but they weren't intelligent enough to keep it

i have never met any

I respect them.
Sadly,i can't say the same about russia.

We are just peaceful and don't want to harm anybody

they only really stand out with their names


Nonexistent. I had one teacher in high school who was Polish and she never shut up about it despite the fact that nobody asked her.


Melts into our society. I don't even know why, when I hear about what they do in UK I'm flattered.

i like them

It is funny that there is a stereotype in
Poland that Americans and stupid, and that there is a stereotype in US that Poles are stupid.

In America they fight supernatural entities with their manlet brother for 15 seasons

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For some reason, they are always illegally here unlike Croats or Serbs

Non-existent as of 2020, they've left in the 1990s and 2000s
Also there is still one Polish majority village in Transnistria, but I don't really consider this hole Moldovan

There's genuine diaspora and they are good people but there's also a constantly changing population of temporary workers and they turn everything they touch to shit

No they don't. Everyone treats them with suspicion

>they turn everything they touch to shit
like what

respectful, and good people
t. polish grandmother and grandfather

Same, poles are invisible here today and a lot intermixed with our other white population lol you'd be surprised to see how many are part poles

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How can we be illegally in Austria

They married into the populations or their kids did at least, and became normal white french.
So it doesn't really exist at least where i live.

They often reside together in vacation homes or rental apartments owned by their employment agency which often causes them to lose any respect for their surroundings since they're only there for as long as they have a job to do. The result is drinking beer every night, lots of noise and harassing neighbors.

Well thas how it was before the EU as far as I remember they were always illegal all the Poles I knew were illegal here

Does the old generation of poles immigrant were western and jewish ?
That would explain old polish immigrant integrated without much problem, compared to a lot of modern immigrant, in any country they've been to.

In New York

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they are bottom of the barrel people who can't get any job in Poland often because of criminal past, what else do you expect
They work for like 30% of your minimal salary and are treated like slaves of course they don't give a shit

they are plumbers, construction workers, truck drivers, bus drivers, janitors, carpenters. some of them are criminals on the side, some of them dodge taxes and have bad working and living conditions. i have worked right next to them many times and never talked to them, ever.

I understand the situation, they're treated like total shit too and Dutch people cramped into a holiday home having to do shitty jobs would also turn it into a pig pen but regardless this is what gives polish people a bad name.
If you ever meet a polish person here who actually permanently lives here they're all good people except those involved with car trading

I know fingols with polish surnames

Nope most were Poles. The majority of our white groups are integrated and invisible today and have blended in with the rest of whites. It helps when you don't just bring in lower class people, like Europeans do for cheap labour.

Inferiority complex :the post

Most - too russified. Hopefully the thawing relations will open up more doors to love Polish culture. Hopefully we'll get a few more teachers from Poland for them up in here or something.

i want to fuck their sexy girls but they all speak polish, never learn dutch

come home white man...