Enjoy your dirty roasties while I will marry a Greek virgin

Enjoy your dirty roasties while I will marry a Greek virgin

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Keep in mind that's what they report. Add x6 to each country

Thats because the Greeks are ugly.
Why are Irish women so horny?

>source: huffingtonpost

who cares

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I thought Iceland would be dark red.

KEK at Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece. That is such bullshit.
Opposite land much?
Probably just stigma for women to report reality there.



They are all whores there is no point anymore



I'm moving my incel ass to Sweden.

Why would anyone want to pick rookie virgin instead of experienced woman?




KEK. Not even close, simpies.
Got to witness Spain when I had a Spanish girlfriend. Their culture is so hypersexualized it's ridiculous.

3-4 partners is ideal. By then she is experienced but not a whore. Same for a man.

>Probably just stigma for women to report reality there.
And that's a good thing. Next step in the right direction is bringing back public stoning for whores.


>If your gf is virgin give her to me first bro


>"source: huffingtonpost"
>no link

Sounds more like them becoming turbosluts and learning to hide it very well if anything. Not sure how that leads to (effective) stoning.


beer and tiddies

i have never had sex

Sometimes we manage to shame them into suicide. It's something.

Just because they're constantly touching, hugging and kissing each other doesn't mean they have sex. Trust me I learned this the hard way with some Spanish girls who were touching my knee and stuff, smiling and talking to me at a breath's distance but ...suprise they have a boyfriend and no amount of flirting or us getting tipsy got me anywhere

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Why are men so obsessed with how many penises have been in a vagina?