Your fag

Your fag.
Do people shit on the streets in your country?

My flag.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>human waste reportings
theres not way this is a real map

its very much real

Americans are extremely PC about their language. They would never use a word like "feces" on an official site, you might offend somebody!!

t. Another PC shithole

>Do people shit on the streets in your country?
God No! Who would do such a disgusting thing!

is this china

California is a separate nation-state.

Why would anyone want to live in San Fransisco?
It's extremely expensive but at the same time filled with insane hobos.

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Is SF full of Hungarians?

Attached: hungarian street shitter.jpg (972x1296, 181.22K)

Someone make this into an el abominacion meme

>God No! Who would do such a disgusting thing!
This except unironic, what the actual fuck

Good post tho

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What is my purpose in life now?

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That's a Gypsy, though

are public toilets communism?


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>What is my purpose in life now?
I was about to say pic related but then I realized this job has been taken by Arabs.

So now I really have no idea bro.

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>Honey, when you gotta go you gotta go

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Of course. Public toilets are an attack on my FREEDOM to shit in the streets

No, we have public toilets. Homeless people are genuinely just drug addicts and mentally ill. (Don't you have to pay to use public restrooms in Europe btw, lol?)

>i'd rather shit in my pants than shit on the street
very american of him to say

NOOOOOOOOOO I don't want to become irrelevant again!

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even in cities without public toilets they still have those mobile toilets trust me these people do not care

dog bles

why would you not use a public toilet if it was there? you can also shoot up in there when it's raining, are European junkies just more civilised?

They do shoot up in bathrooms, they just don't shit in them.

You better come up with something, the Pakistani meme-lords have stepped up their game.

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but why

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Because they are subhuman junkies that need to be thrown in prison

It only happens in California

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What the fuck is wrong with Californians?

Sodom is home of the gays

I can't, I'm autistic.

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Olmec DNA? German DNA? Hollywood? Liberalism? Who knows, it could be any number of things.

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Come on bro, I'm sure you've got at least one spicy Indian meme to share with us

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Imagine being born there. What a cruel fate.

They still have tech support and curry.

Is this the kalima lad on Indiana Jones?

>taking a shit on those little islands
why :(