Do East German boomers miss the DDR?
Do East German boomers miss the DDR?
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From what I've heard and seen, sure.
Some are quite vocally political about it, but most is just nostalgia of the state-owned products that were consumed and the meals and street food that were made during the communist era. Theres also a nostalgia for all the flags and uniforms and insiginia of the NVA which you can buy cheap in Berlin market stalls.
Some of them do, because of the economic discrepancy between the former west and east
I love how German communists are actually quite fit and tough, probably because of that economic discrepancy. Hard times create strong men.
>because of the economic discrepancy between the former west and east
>implying it wasn't much bigger before the wall collapsed
They probably hate it, since East Germany was the worst country to live in in the Warsaw pact.
If not, then they're probably just the German Equivalent to the Russian Vatnik meme.
Very interesting, ex-east-block cunts usually hate those times except for boomers from Russia, Belarus and former Eastern Germany it seems
Should've roll out the tanks before reunification to reset the whole country
>the meals and street food that were made during the communist era.
What stops them from starting a business and preparing/selling this food now?
>They probably hate it, since East Germany was the worst country to live in in the Warsaw pact.
user, are you retarded?