What's the point of Belgium? Just split it between France and the Netherlands
What's the point of Belgium? Just split it between France and the Netherlands
>Bruxelles ? nuke it
Reincarnation of the Duchy of Burgundy
Something in that map seems off, cant quite put my finger on it
Based but gib Lviv and Western Belarus to us
why of all independentist movements only Catalonia gets their country and why do they get so much of Aragón, Navarra and Valencia
Looks disgusting look at those German borders, damn got depression from that
France taking the Netherlands or huge parts of always fucking triggers me, stop it.
Why do you all just assume we want to be part of France or the Netherlands? Genuinly curious
>but muh rhine
>muh natural borders
>France needs everything west of the rhine because it looks good and we said so
Based Frankish Empire triggering the barbaric nord*ids
The Franks were DUTCH
This is the world map from the tabletop roleplaying game Twilight 2000. Most of the governments in the map have ceased to function after a limited nuclear war in the 1990s when Germany invaded Poland again (kek).
The only state that hasn't devolved into neo-feudal conditions is France, who dropped out of NATO and remained neutral during the Third World War. As a result, they didn't suffer a full-scale nuclear attack like most other countries in Europe.
Due to the large influx of refugees fleeing the atomic hellscape that is now Central and Eastern Europe, France occupied everything west of the Rhine and established a free-fire zone there, with the French military having orders to shoot anyone trying to cross the border on sight.
france stronk :)
These maps are made by people who have a simple view of the world.
>Just split it
Just fuck off
>supposed non-country.
>without government more times than with government.
>divided people
>still doing far better than shitalians
Do you even have an excuse, leech? Your country is falling apart.
>My grandpa was from germany i swear!!!!
Flanders is in the north, Wallonia in the south The provinces are also wrong.
That being said, I wish we could split because Walloons are fucking lazy communists. We can't split because the french speaking fags block everything in parliament, they only want Flemish money so we can fund their communist practices.
Wallonia is pretty much a third world country, thank you communism, but it works because they have Flanders to pay the bill.
Wallonia is ill managed compared to Flanders.
The faster we split the better, I don't want to waste taxes on lazy wallons who don't work.
PS: look up the unemployment rate in Wallonia and Flanders then you'll understand why I say lazy Walloons. Bear in mind, unemployment benefits are unlimited in time, so basically you can receive them forever.
I'll split you if you catch my drift
Wallonia bad Flanders good
Vlaamse npc #78545
My understanding is there’s a long lasting rivalry and lack of agreement between Wallonia and Flanders and there’s unequal development. It doesn’t seem like there’s a strong Belgian identity and I think the Dutch and French are charitable to the idea
>the Dutch and French are charitable to the idea
On the dutch side it already happened and the Flemings felt less relevant and oppressed
On the french side, they barely know a Wallonia even exists
Yo don't touch the swamp jews they're my brothers
Based Finland giving poor Albania all that clay.
no point