/balt/ + /ausnz/

Attached: 5t.png (1003x712, 1006.5K)

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tfw no one to play yugioh or magic with

vaping popcorn fluid, feels good man

>keks that pay 300 eur for 10 Square meters room on barak because its >renovated and has foosball table

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-23-12-24-10-909_org.mozilla.firefox.jpg (1080x2340, 822.81K)

For me, its vinegar

Reading a cool book

Attached: EV82IV8XkAAn9xB.jpg (1024x586, 60.94K)

Glad you're educating yourself user


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Do estonians really?

Attached: eesti.jpg (651x720, 89.41K)

yes, every eesti is a neonazi
besides me

Attached: 1578242812308.png (1920x1080, 2.04M)

What does it say?


He is in this thread

Oh, yeah, it's true.

ring of orichalcos lmao, op in the show but pretty useless irl


who needs women when you have your kangaroos friends haha lol

Attached: W0aSNz4yk_MBYMY1-MTRiljzrOUpTadF0chMZGH7hq4.jpg (1437x1881, 702.31K)

tfw no kangaroo friend

fark its a scorcher today, come for a dip, cobber

Attached: lyylyuilyi.jpg (2501x1563, 504.49K)

We already went through this one when I posted lynxes calling them cats and then you fucking murdered them when they went in to chill with the kangaroo bro

*teleports behind you*
nothin' personal, cunt

Attached: u9pup.jpg (960x720, 164.32K)

fuck, not again

Btw, do you guys do canoeing or boating in those rivers? How would kangaroo-bro react if a canoe with some drunk ass australians came down the river

Attached: fucknotagain.png (520x316, 59.64K)

yeah you can sometimes go canoeing. kangaroos actually cooling off in the river is a rare sight but they would react by getting out and just staring you down until you leave

I'm even too lazy to learn Visual Basic that will do even more work for me

Attached: pretendingtowork.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

>kambarys bendrabutyje
>300 eur
>dabar senamiestyje už tokią kainą keliems mėnesiams siūlo

why fish that dogshit...

I've never understood the appeal of runescape.
Isn't it just some endless grind mmo?
What makes it so special?

nostalgia. due to getting old, i find that new games cannot keep me entertained, and yet a grindfest like runescape is still appealing to me

>tfw dad died before i was born
it was over before it began

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>range banned from Yas Forums and Yas Forums


whats Yas Forums like? i have never been there but heard that it has many teenage girls on it

it's complete shit desu