Do Russians consider themselves European? Like if I asked someone walking on a street in Moscow, how would they respond?

Do Russians consider themselves European? Like if I asked someone walking on a street in Moscow, how would they respond?

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>if I asked
they'll probably just ignore you

No. Most Russians don't consider themselves as Europeans and do not identify with Europe.

Is this because of Cold War ?
Because here we consider you European, at least if you don't come from beyond the Ural mountain range.

There are European looking people even in Siberia and Vladivostok.

I'd say I am evropean

I'm the big spoon

This specification offers no real benefits.
So most of people in Rushka do not give a damn.
I noticed the attraction to the label of Europeans here only among Ukrainians (based retards) and russian liberals (cringe cucks).


Depends, but we don't really care.
In history books they teach us we have our own special way which is nor European nor Asian.

Yet our history and culture is tied more with Europe than with Asia.

People on this site are likely to say that we are Europen and so on But 99% of Russians will consider Europe separate.

We even make fun of Ukrainians because they think they are Europeans

>Is this because of Cold War ?
Most likely because of our wars with all the European empires.

Appearance means nothing.

Most Russians do not consider themselves Europeans.

>There are European looking people even in Siberia and Vladivostok.
Well, actually Siberia and Far East are whiter than european part

>Appearance means nothing.
I do not want to offend anyone but most europeans now look like arabs

Yeah and in America as well


Unfortunately European part of Russia full of M*scow shitskins.

>Culture is legacy of Greco-Rome
>Country is literally in Europe

OK there’s gotta be jews behind this nonsense

Brits don’t consider themselves whites either

We are European, I don't know why so many Russians itt are upset about it. Since they compare themselves to Ukrainians, my guess is that they are poltards.

>We are European
How are we European?

>Muh appearance

besides looks, We are european because we share history and culture with other europeans

So I take it the pro-West libs are more likely to consider themselves European?

>We are european because we share history and culture with other europeans

Are Americans Europeans?

America is different story. You can't compare us.

Russians are 100% Asian.
We are not wh*Toids.
We have nothing in common with e*rope.

Би opoд яhaнaйб!!!

Attached: RUSSIANS.jpg (900x600, 209.03K)

Tиимэл дaa

my ancestors :)


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>those colors
Now I understand the Kazakstan flag
Cool attires

Кaзaчoк work mate best mate for working, always funny and smart drunk. Gopnik tier brutal spudface бля has broken soul, no horses, too few deities on their side.
t. Hebrew mutt in Moscow, family from the -Stans

Attached: 2020-04-23 12.02.38.png (637x2759, 2.33M)

>mfw no bf to spoon me and keep me warm while he breeds me

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