Social distancing hard to understand for Americans?

Ahahaha, does this twat not realize that she actually gives praise to communism, because she associates it with sane, easy to do, smart, far-seeing, life saving behaviour world universally employed to fight nasty sticking viruses?
I knew righties were kookoo, but to such an extent to promote disease? YIkes!

Attached: rightie_retard.jpg (720x724, 64.5K)

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I wonder if these types of people actually know what communism is or if they just name it whatever they dont like

you have talked to an American rightard before right?

No, you're absolutely right. It's unironically this.

Unironically Communism is what the world needed the most in these times. It's the system that makes most sense for emergency situations, in fact, it would be idea for governments to have a temporary communist failsafe system in case capitalism goes to shit, like it does every 8 years.

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t. commie

This but with fascism

Reminds me of the one from the 50's claiming racemixing is communism.
Mutts are a bizzare bunch.
You are a communist if you are a jew but also if you dont support israel

Sensible chuckle

It’s a loaded word and a non-starter. Better off rebranding it as democratic socialism or something better

Name 1(one) succesful achievment of a facist government. I will wait. Atlest communism sent a man to space. Industtialised a quarter of the planet and educayed the masses

On a similar note why are americans so afeaid to use the word capitalism

>watching right wing media
>they claim corona is overblown hype to control the population and attack trump and postpone the election (even tho their guy trump is already the president??)
>literally next rant is about how corona is a super deadly bioweapon with properties from hiv(?) created by china and bill gates to destroy the west and dominate the world by making everyone communist
it's like you gotta be a legit schizo to understand any of it

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I went to school with these people. It's so easy to blend in with them and I had a kick out of doing just that, literally all you have to do is say "I like BBQ's, and I like women, that's freedom!" and they'll look at you like you're a member of their family.

No wonder you country is easaly subverted by (((us)))

>Name 1(one) succesful achievment of a facist government.
The Holocaust, unless of course you want to deny it happened

One day your government will round you peoole up for posts like these

An incomplete bioweapon, the significant modification from a 96% identical bat virus is with the spike protein amounting to a massively increased affinity to the human ACE2 receptor. The primary reason that researchers gave for the virus not being genetically engineered is it's only novel feature isn't what would have been predicted computationally from existing models of that protein, however this explanation presupposes knowledge of all possible research into said protein. The argument I would make is that simulated protein folding could eventually produce results not predicted by the western biochem corpus if it were performed intensely enough. China has the relevant factories to produce the needed computational resources and a command economy.

So I think they accidentally released a virus that deliberately targets humans, however that seems to be it's only special feature, it's payload is likely identical to the bat virus it was engineered from,

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>literally all you have to do is say "I like BBQ's, and I like women, that's freedom!" and they'll look at you like you're a member of their family.
I wish i could live the life you just described :/




>all you had to say i like bbc

> it's payload
Its* payload

Can you also please explain in a very simple way (i'm dumb) what you believe,? I am very curious. Do you really believe t'was human made to target other humans?

Yes. In the microscopic world nothing sees or moves with any intent, everything moves around at random and eventually touches. A "spike protein" is basically the virus's penis which will eventually make contact and bond with a receptor on the surface of a human cell that's intended for something else but which the virus has evolved it's spike protein to couple with in order to infect it. Here on this model of HIV it's labeled "GP 120, docking glycoprotein".

So simply put all they did was give it a huge human-seeking virus dick. It's "payload" would be what it does, how it makes you sick. In this it's a pretty shit weapon, which itself could be intentional but containing viruses is hard and the Chinese are kinda stupid. So to me it looks like a half-done weapon, targeting would always be the first rational step in bioweapon development because if you don't get it right you'll kill off your own people.

Basically I think they've been experimenting with SARS. It doesn't display hostile intent nearly so much as decrepit levels of ineptitude.

Attached: 800px-HIV_Virion-en-2.png (800x557, 285.82K)

>Communism is what the world needed the most in these times

Unfortunately it's working about as well as it always works which is why normally productive working people who are now out of work by order of the half-assed government are getting mad as their lives go down the tubes.
And they have the rich left, the welfare class and the young still-leeches-class mocking them.

USA Today actually has a good article.

Do you believe the Chinese made this virus and if you do, what do you believe the consequences would be if humanity "found out"?
Or if anybody else made it and we all found out? War? Or something passive instead?

God I fucking love the first amendment

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I can't believe our poor shithole is delling way better with the virus than the burgers. This is a new level of stupid.

That is already gone

To an extent yea but I don't think it's German-tier censorship here yet so that's good

>implying the first amendment matter in America when dealing with Jews

>President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday that will make Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act apply to anti-Semitic acts. The order is generating concern that it will stifle free speech by those who oppose Israel's policy toward the Palestinians.

>The executive order takes indirect aim at the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement that has generated intense controversy on college campuses.

>Title VI bans discrimination based on race, color or national origin in programs and activities, such as colleges and universities, that receive federal funding. The executive order will extend the ban to discrimination based on anti-Semitism.

>Trump signed the order at a Hanukkah celebration at the White House on Wednesday afternoon. A draft copy of the executive order was published Wednesday by Jewish Insider.

>The draft order suggests that those charged with enforcing Title VI consider the definition of anti-Semitism adopted by International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, which states: "Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities."
>Mexico 21
>US 44

I think they made it and I think the consequences of the world community finding out would primarily be a huge loss of face that China dreads occuring as it tries to set itself up as a savior of the world through belt&road, false climate virtue signaling and whatever else.

If someone else made it I would be very concerned, I think the west is the only other possibility but I also think the west doesn't conduct this research outside of the army researching experimental anti-biological-weapon vaccines. However, as I said I think the bulk of the research was conducted through simulated protein folding, that I think we would almost certainly be engaged in even in a weaponized context, however I doubt we'd risk actually creating the agent.

As to what would happen if it were the US and we were found out, I have no idea, I would want legal proof as to how the scheme worked and what it's intent was. I would immediately want to know if it's partisan in origin. If so, maybe civil war.

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Why did Trumpfags suddenly chimp out?

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>Protesters literally murdering people by blocking medical staff
>Celebrated as champions of liberation and the american spirit

>Protesters suggest that maybe sending their children to die in some hellhole on the other side of the planet for nothing is a bit of a waste
>Get shot

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>I think they made it and I think the consequences of the world community finding out would primarily be a huge loss of face that China
Out of curiosity, wouldn't people cry for their genocide? Or at least go full war on them? How would they not be considered a threat to humanity and also how would they not be seen as responsible for killing all these people?

>As to what would happen if it were the US and we were found out, I have no idea, I would want legal proof as to how the scheme worked and what it's intent was. I would immediately want to know if it's partisan in origin. If so, maybe civil war.
Sounds scary. You really think people would do a civil war?

Attached: Israel and Corona virus.webm (1280x720, 2.33M)