How do we fix Amerikkka?
How do we fix Amerikkka?
Let it die
Somehow the answer is more individualism, let people respect their lives rather thank thinking of themselves as a cog in a system.
Americans will unironically think this pirate-wannabe is "based & redpilled"
I don't get it, you guys have spent the last 15 years celebrating every single death that happens in the USA but when we disregard our own safety you throw a fit about it. Make up your fucking mind
Dude it’s just banter fucking relax
99% of us would joke around IRL around some beers or vape or whatever you underage faggots do nowadays
Stop being so sensitive lmao
Yeah most americans joke about children being shot in schools
>Yeah most americans joke about children being shot in schools
Just ban gun
live free or die
death is not the worst of evils
Why would you want to?
Let it fall under it's weight, and Viva Aztlán.
>americans are killing themselfs and you dont have to do anything for it
they are fixing themselfs
as soon as canada bans oil
Nooo not the hecking coronorino. The hecking 0.1 fatalitino. Who cares pussy
More people will die from the economic fallout (suicide, drug addiction, crime etc) than from the virus itself.
lmao saved
This is the 19th Coronavirus you dumb leftshits, you don't know its another hoax from the CHO?
These are articles from The Onion you moron.
But in your attempt to trash conservatives, you've proved our point. This is absolutely another attempt to take down Trump. Like Russia, Ukraine, Mueller, Kavanaugh etc.
boston globe and ny daily news (in case someone doesn't notice your sarcasm)
who's spreading this shit among right-wing groups to discredit them/create discord? And why do they lap it up without thought?
Why bother? They already banned schools. Now the only way you can get shot is if you approach one of those crazy-ass protesters.
Yeah, they do.
>boston globe and ny daily news
Lol, they may as well be The Onion.
You and your Neo-Con politicians are why we are in the mess we are right now. You people are everything wrong with the world.
problem isnt guns and never has been, problem is modern american nihilism, subcultures and feminised bullying all within a dysfunctional anarcho-corporate society.
>This is your brain on CNN
If Obama hadn't gutted the CDC like he gutted the military, you wouldn't be in this mess right now.
Let them die
>haha this is satire right, must be some kind of comedian right
>look him up
It has to be satire. It's either that or a significant portion of the greatest country on earth is 100% pure madness. And that's coming from a Swede.
He doesn't want to accept the fact we went to Iraq for literally no reason.
Funny you should say that.