You wake up in an average Croatian neighbourhood

>You wake up in an average Croatian neighbourhood...

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looks comfy

i would immedietly check my pockets to see if i have money if i do i would go walk around town and explore if i dont i would knock on someones door and ask to use thier phone to call donald trump

Looks better than places I can afford to rent here. Also cute bolbo

wow, it's like Slovenia but a shithole where nobody plasters their house

>good roads
>good homes
>no trash

>but a shithole where nobody plasters their house
Basically Slovenia with a soul.

Looks like Chile

but i don't speak croatian...

Balkanians are Latinxs confirmed

pretty sure people also had lush gardens last time I was in Postojna

now this is soul

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Based, reminds me of grandma's village

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looks like a shithole. i thought croatia was developed

looks kinda comfy desu

Looks like America but small cars instead of pickups

>i thought
well you thought wrong, bitch

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What about all the EU gibs from the past 5 years

This is Slavonia right? Cuz Slavonia is a shithole, other parts of Croatia don't look that bad

The roads were really smooth

we are building houses for (german) tourists on the coast with that money, OP is east croatia
>other parts of Croatia don't look that bad
yea maybe but ugly brick houses can be found everywhere, even in Istria and north

>Foreigners really be sitting there thinking we get free money to spend as we please

Been three times, gonna visit again when the lockdown ends

Nice bait. Average Croatian neighbourhoods look better

no, that's pretty average outside of cities imo
there are even worse ones in Slavonia like collapsing wooden shacks that you would expect to find in gypsy ghettos

Istria basically looks like Slovenian littoral. I can't spot any big difference in terms of developement.

>Yeah, my house is unplastered and two floors taller than the building permit allowed, how could you tell?

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You unironically get fined here if you don't plaster your house.

Disgusting German.

but if you think about it, you save more money on the long run if you install proper insulation on the outside walls. I don't get it why people don't want to invest into a facade.

Needs better front yards, but looks comfy

Why should I plaster my house anyway? Is it just cosmetic or is there any benefit to it?

Long-term planning (longer than a week) goes against the spirit of the Balkan man.

I immediately start up Grindr and start looking for my future cute smooth croat twink bf.

You get proper insulation and minimize heat loss during colder parts of the year, which can save you quite a lot of money you spend on heating.

Well no need for that here then.

>start committing war crimes against Bosnians

>Well no need for that here then.
Yes, but anywhere in Europe it's quite reasonable to have a proper facade.

>You unironically get fined here if you don't plaster your house.
Now that explains why I can't find them in Slovenia.
Bavarian faggot.
We got new insulation last summer. My pc and body heat were enough to keep my room above 19°C during the whole winter.

I have a new(ish) 15 year old house in the rural, it's plastered and cute but inside there are some rooms that are so cold I could never live in a house. Don't get the whole "insulation" argument for houses when in one room you can have 25c while another it's 0 degrees. The commie block is way more efficient and comfy.

>Bavarian faggot.

Guiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilty :^)