A few days left till Ramadan

>a few days left till Ramadan

I’m honestly looking forward to it, its going to be comfy again.
Also for my pious brothers, are you planning something special for it?

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how do muslims fast at the poles or in the ISS? why did god or muhammad forget about those exclusive circumstances?

>its a MENA atheist
Cringe aside it would take a lot more to explain rules for every specific situation.

Islamist diaspoora lol

in yet another manipulation of words or concession to god's limited wisdom, they're instructed by a'imma to fast according to their original country's schedule

so basically if you're born at the poles and embrace islam you're fucked lol

muslims in lulea in sweden fast for 21-22 hours.
guess muhammad didn't factor that in.
universal religion everyone.

>are you planning something special for it?
I am planning to start praying the five prayers again, inshallah.

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Wonder why he didn't factor that in, shouldn't the all knowing God tell him?

you're also not instructed to fast if you travel, so if you're a jetsetter across ramadan you can get away with non-observance

pagan +/- zoroastrian ritual incorporated into islam

Get inside an ashtray lmao.

Its not a concession though, it makes sense not to burden the majority of humanity with something so trivial. Especially when the prophet said that we are supposed to use our brains to make sense of deviating situations like this.

>it makes sense not to burden the majority of humanity with something so trivial.
this is a universal religion, the fact that it failed to account for all circumstances shows that muhammad wasn't backed by a truly omniscient god

>using our brains
>when the slightest deviation from norm could result in eternal hellfire (from a whimsical god)

Nice, honestly after getting used to waking up for the morning prayer I feel much better.

Oh noo are you going to cry to mommy because someone insulted your faith?
The Abrahamic God is fake and doesn't exist outside of books

No it shows that you have to think about it yourself if you are in a situation which is outside the norm.

Do Muslims fast often? Here if you dare stay 24h without eating people will be worried about you and think you’re anorexic.

Also hell isn’t eternal for muslims and Allah will judge you according to your situation. A murtad like you will end up in eternal hellfire though.

fasting is obligatory in ramadan and fairly common in special days

I already know my ramadan is going to be spent getting called to houses to argue with lebs for not social distancing

you're actually supposed to research whatever (favourable) imam's fatwa is and operate on it until someone of a higher political authority negates it

muhammad really opened the door for conflict there

why did muhammad retain the ability to grant nigga's heaven and refuse to use it?

Kek are you 12 or something?

A muslim is supposed to fast during Ramadan and some people fast a few days extra during special days.

Are they always a full day fast or they can be shorter?

if you land in a coma for 10 years are you supposed to pick up and fast all the lost days?

He was a messenger of Allah and he tried not to put his own opinion into things.
There are hadith where people keep asking him about trivial things and he replies with telling them to think about it for themselves because if he says something people will claim its partnof the divine law.

>direct communication with god
>la yantaq 3an alhawa
>has to withhold himself because he realizes he's opinionated
>even has hadiths admitting memory loss

for turkey usually lasts between 4am and 7pm

going to sleep from fajr to dhur because of coronavirus

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Generally you fast when the sun is up, people in places where daylight is less or not a thing fast according to Meccan time.

>someone of a higher political authority negates it
Like who?

No, unlike you.
Religion distorts the mind and forces you to ignore truth or what's right to avoid conflict with your inner values.

wahhabist saudi mufti or whatever the current dictator in your country decides

Well he is human afterall.
He is not a divine being, you can be as butthurt about it as you wish but it won’t change anything.

they follow the mecca times I believe

Never hear anyone fighting because of some scandis fasting though.

Values are taught by society, they change from generation to generation and thus are worthless aside from conforming to society.

He is just here to shitpost anyway, there is no need to take him seriously.

he assigned himself status of god's prophet and contradicted himself

what if they're in a separate planet and not subject to the same timescale

people are more concerned with whatever political case is making the rounds, like how khurooj or protesting a tyrannical dictator is haram however bad he is because the prophet and the caplihs needed to maintain power

eating 3 time a day is a human construct after the agriculture revolution. It's a human condition based on culture.

>there is no need to take him seriously.
not doing this for you, recycling arguments to ensure anyone outside islam reading knows what's really going on

Yeah but what about the scandis?

He was chosen he did not assign himself.

That is pretty based. Between that and being against alcohol consumption I genuinely believe Brazil would be a better country if we had Islam to teach us self-restraint.

based sudan poster

do you not understand the concept of ijtihad sudanon?

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In Indonesia it only last 13-14 hours. Brazil should be similar.

>muslims' religious """fasts""" are shorter than 24h

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