Is this the most manly part of the first world?

Is this the most manly part of the first world?

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No, half of those states aren't even manly at all. How the fuck is Georgia or Florida or Delaware or Virignia "manly"? How the FUK is DC "manly"?

>first world

No. First World countries are not manly.

Yes the south has a higher HDI than your country without being subsidized by taxpayer dollars like california

>Red states
>First world
Pick one

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stopped reading there

Texas is based the rest is ok

sven got it right

t. Muslim containment zones

There’s a reason why Muslims are more scared of getting shot here than any other civilized country

>There’s a reason why Muslims are more scared of getting shot here than any other civilized country
Because the average American city is more unsafe than anywhere in Europe?

We don’t have a Malmo here.

The reason why the US is a laughingstock is because of the blue states. Get off Yas Forums and go live in the real world and you’ll see what the rest of us see


Attached: murder rate.png (621x335, 5.56K)

Enjoy your no go zones

And neither of those cities are in the, we don’t care. And all the high crime cities are full of niggers anyways

I promise you I've been to more countries than you have. What you and your neo-nazi echo chamber laugh at isn't shared by the civilized world. If you don't think the world is laughing at Trump I've got a bridge to sell you.

Alright user, keep coping

Where would you say beats it though?

>Loses only war they ever fought

Pardon the textwall

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I love how OP is coping so hard that he had to make this thread twice in one day

And who’s president now? game, set, match

We’re gonna take you blue state fags with us whether you like it or not

I think besides the firearms homocide all of those would still apply to the entire south.

I don't even get what you're trying to say

I genuinely don't understand what point you're trying to make

That blacks are a large reason for why the South shows up so statistically bad(crime, etc.), which is true.


You won that battle but we won the war

Certainly the must drug addicted part of the first world.

Even if the blacks where gone, it would still be a massive backwards shithole. The only worthwhile things is texas and florida. The rest just leech off the federal government.

There are hardly any blacks in West Virginia and Tennessee has an Average number and those places are shitholes to.