
Attached: Dieter Rams.jpg (412x585, 22.26K)

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Better shit I could be doing with my time than posting here tbqh

industrial wall of noise for me

let's be honest now

/brit/ has like 3 personalities and they are all easy to ignore, dont understand why people whinge about it so much

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what's something good to watch on youtube?


because people don't ignore them and they are insufferable

I don’t know what’s worse
«White» (or extremely tanned) people with fake blonde hairs
Or nigresses with fake hairs

alri angrylad

wish 190 was here to tell us what drugs hes done for the 30th time of the day

Luscious curly hair that every girl mentions when she describes me is thinning rapidly

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>noo not the next jeans poster!!
>noo not the gay mancunian guy who posts the same 3 webms, gay porn, and andy samberg!!
>noo not the sueposter!!
>noo not the angry person formerly known as dave!!
>noo not the midget landlord!!
>noo not the heckin emmetterino!!
>noo not the paki bender!!
>noo not the darn tootin twitter poster!!
>noo not the yorkshire scumbags
>uganda be kidding me!
>noo not the freakin' pikey!!
>noo not the druggy degenerate!!!
>noo not the dougerino!!
>noo not the wacky bruces!!

collect your hair every time you get it cut until you have enough for a wig

they all monopolise the thread

why are there so many mixed race white nationalists?

brit got noticeably better when i filtered him

youre right there arent many, but that makes it even more excruciating how a very large proportion of posters fully indulge them and allow them to dominate threads; theyll even talk about them when they arent present to the same effect

Dont even remember all the drugs ive done but i don't keep going on about it because no one cares

What bee got in your bonnet. So bitter.

same reason there's so many mixed race black activists

>uganda be kidding me!

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all me

Amazing how black politicians here always end up in prison lol

Like they are biologically compelled to commit crime no matter where they are in life

are you zoomers looking upon the PS4 as the "last gen"?
for me the last gen is PS3

united kingdom of great britian and northern island be kidding me

Mixed race people are mentally ill
They can become anything
The white nationalist ones are the less stupid of them, those who realised the tragedy of their fate
Born to be genetically worthless

back before 2011, you could shag all night being a noise maker. cant believe the prime pussy i was pulling in. the fuckin days boys

I thought the andy samberg lad was oxford bender?

blonde hair simply looks better on most women

>last I was there it was full of nonce weebs, a horrid place that made my blood boil just skimming it
add in homosexual zoomers and it's the dutch general

Mental how their was a mass shooting in Canada not a week ago and it barely made the news.


They dont, pakipoo sometimes can subvert a thread but even then its not very often, and tbf homealone does too but nobody else can. In fact I would say there are some anons who dominate a thread far more


yeah. thinking less of the news media because of this. maybe it's a good thing tho

Never heard this expression before. It’s weird. Are bees supposed to be annoying? Makes zero sense

If it’s natural
Otherwise it is an heresy

*There. Not "their", as you incorrectly put it.

Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here, we was hitchhikin down a long and lonesome road, all of a sudden there shined a shiny demon in the middle of the road

dunno don't care
just want to say the 2000s are the best

nah henry's better than that

really wasnt sure where the post was going but I'm sure glad I stayed along for the ride. Great ending

blonde hair is shite on any woman without blue eyes
and a lot of blones look better with dyed black hair
the duality of man

shutup you twat

only time I'm popular in a thread is when I've said something stupid and everyone bullies the fuck out of me

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>2000s are the best
were you even there, the 2000s were awful mate, shit music, shit fashion just awful

if that canadian gets anywhere near the general the next several threads will be dominated by a large number of posters talking about him, if the larping traveller arrives most posters will drop whatever they were doing to reply to him, make jokes about him, talk about him etc. and i did not use the word "most" lightly

next jeans and uganda are gimmicks

eat my shite and send your female relatives to suck my cawk

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haha what you like lad

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if you had a bee caught in an item of clothing you were wearing you would likely be at least mildly disturbed.
A bonnet is a hat